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African Dream Herb (Entada rheedii) Seeds
African Dream Herb Seed ( Entada rheedii )
Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens."
Entada rheedii seeds, or African Dream Herb seeds, were used and still are used in African witchcraft(shamanism.) Believing in any of the witchcraft shamanic lore tied to these seeds will open a door to satan, as will being in possession of them. They're not good luck, they're the complete opposite. They don't provide protection, rather vulnerability, misfortune, rather than abundance, and curses rather than blessings. This is warned about in Deuteronomy 18. The seeds are used by African shamans for necromancy(communing with the dead). Avoid them like the plague. I speak from experience. HOWEVER: The seeds theirself as a pharmacological active are incredibly valid.The problem with this is that they're an occult object and how one would go about obtaining a non-accursed seed(as they're tied to witchcraft lore), would be nearly impossible. That's the problem.Ethnobotany: African Dream Herb seeds or Entada rheedii as they're scientifically referred to as, are occult objects, often labeled as "talismans". These are a type of covert idol, or charm ( aka a snare ). They're literally a satanic snare. They work by diverting your attention away from the Most High God of the bible, and to an alternative source. This causes a shift in the supernatural where you are now bowing down to and serving any other source than the Most High. This opens a door for satan immediately. I know this because I went through a 7 year curse after being seduced by a witch from out of state ( not sharing that story here ). Anyway, I got involved into shamanic stuff and the occult and experienced a lot of bad luck, and a lot of paranormal activity. This is why I'm a believe and how I know how it works. I also found out that secret societies are real, and it looks like the masons and the occult are trying to cheat in order to rig the ethnobotany community and market globally. I'm working on combatting that. I will post links to wholesale suppliers in foreign countries to where all of the goods are coming from so you can buy it straight from them. This will really piss them off.
rheediinosides A & B, antiproliferative and antioxidant triterpene saponins, thioamides, phenolics, and produces antiulcerogenic and antimicrobial activities. Academic sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031942209004300 Citation: Nzowa, Laurence Kegah, et al. "Rheediinosides A and B, two antiproliferative and antioxidant triterpene saponins from Entada rheedii." Phytochemistry 71.2-3 (2010): 254-261.[archived here] | https://japsonline.com/abstract.php?article_id=2631&sts=2[archived here] Citation: Okba, Mona M., et al. "Entada rheedii seeds thioamides, phenolics, and saponins and its antiulcerogenic and antimicrobial activities." Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8.5 (2018): 101-108. Learn more about these medicinal phytochemicals at the National Library Of Medicine(PubChem) https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov There's plenty of science behind herbal medicine. That very science, tends to back up the notion of intelligent design, and a loving creator, one that doesn't prohibit seed bearing herbs either. Other phytochemicals and their pharmacology: thioamides, phenolics, and saponins ( all demonstrate anti-ulcerogenic and anti-microbial activities. )[7]What is Phytochemistry? What are Phytochemicals?
Phytochemistry is a branch of chemistry that specifically deals with phytochemicals found in plants and other natural sources. Phytosynthesis is where the energy is harnessed in order to produce these medicinal components of the plants. Phytochemist isolate these "phytochemicals", and study them for their medicinal qualities. The word "isolates" referes to pure forms of these substances, such as CBD isolate for example. It's a recurring theme in the plant kingdom for any given herbal remedy to produce a wide number of pharmacologically active chemical components, each one producing a wide range of medicinal properties. In other words, each plant produces numerous medicines(more than one), that can be isolated out of the plant, and will out-perform any of the standard b.s. pharmaceutical versions being offered to the public. On a final note, here's one last fact: The most famous Phytochemist of them all is perhaps Albert hoffman, that man who discovered LSD. He also studied seeds that produce LSA and related ERGOT chemicals, which are the precursor to LSD.Pharmacological / Medicinal Properties:
Rheediinosides A and B, both give the seeds their anti-proliferative and antioxidant effects.[6] These two components are known as triterpene saponins.[6] The phytochemist that name these chemicals, will usually try to identify the most profound of all of the constituent in any given remedy, and the one(s) that are the most unique to that species.. In this case, we can see the similarity between the name "rheedii", and the phytochemicals named "Rheediinosides A & B". These chemicals that are found within plants, are the ultimate medicine. Sadly, serpent medical and the occult want them all to theirselves. It seems the forces that be have taken great time and care to trick people into believing these ancient herbal remedies are bogus folk lore, when in fact they're miraculous forms of medicine, that contain pharmacological gold-mines of insight and potential. Leaf extracts have been studied for their anti-oxidant properties as well![8] This is important because most people sell only the seeds, and only talk about that part as well. The tree itself has been extensively used in herbal medicine in Africa.Oneirogen The Entada rheedii(African dream herb seed) is used in African traditional medicine to induce vivid dreams.[1] They believe that it enables communication with the spirit world and their ancestors[1](necromancy)(This is warned against in Deuteronomy 18, the practices and the people who do them. This is why I wrote this blog to warn you!) The inner meat of the seed would be either consumed directly, or the meat would be chopped, dried, mixed with other herbs like tobacco and smoked just before sleep to induce the desired dreams. I'm not against consuming the seeds as a supplement to stimulate dreams BUT, I know better than to accept anything from a sorcerer, and certainly than to be charmed by the deceptive teachings of a shaman. If you obtain these seeds, get them from someone who isn't promoting occult teachings. I'm dead against discrimination, but believe in the dangerous of accepting accursed objects, so don't be hateful about it.
The plant is also used as a topical ointment against jaundice, toothache, ulcers and to treat muscular-skeletal problems.[2][3] The seeds are sought after as pieces of jewelry and as good-luck charms[4](which are covert idols, exodus 20:4). It's also used for diarhhea and upset stomach.[5] Phytochemical science backs up what the primitive doctors had noted for centuries. No surprise there on my end. God gave man every seed bearing herb, that they shall be for nourishment and health. It is the knowledge(the science) that has failed us. Scientist attempts at doing a better job, by moving a few molecules around on medicinal compounds that God created(and not them), and then trying to take credit for them, and make them better, has failed horribly. These are called synthetic drugs, or pharmaceuticals. Seed bearing herbs on the other hand, when used properly, actually work with the bodies natural symbiotic systems, to optimize, tweak, cleanse, and repair the body. Seed bearing herbs are expressions of Gods love for us.
An idol is not just an object, it can be a symbol(swastika, five pointed star, astorlogy symbols), it can be a person(hitler, george bush, donald trump), it can be an idea, an object, a crystal, etc. Idols can be covert and overt. You can worship them on purpose or by mistake. They come between you and God. They are a deception of darkness.
Jeremiah 11:9-11 ( Notice the 911 ): There's a conspiracy among the people of Judah. They have turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, and gone after other gods to serve them. because of this, I shall bring evil upon them which they shall not be able to escape.. and thou they shall cry unto me, I will hearken not unto their voice.
The bible tells us quite about occult knowledge actually(hidden), and that is that "when the spirit has gone out of a man, it seeketh dry places." It also tells us in Ecclesiastes 8:8 that "There is no man that hath power over the spirit", and again in Acts 1:8 that "when the holy spirit has come upon you, yeh shall be given power". From what we know about idols back in biblical days, we can see that pagans worshipped things like golden calfs... but why? The truth is, because a spirit lived in those idols, and it was their worship that the spirit was feeding off of. Familiar spirits are like the magicians co-worker in the realm of the occult, and the shaman or witch uses them to perform magic. No human actually has "powers", for it is satan or the holy spirit that are the two sources of power. Occult powers come from demonic forces, or if you're a Christian power comes from the holy spirit(Acts 1:8, Eccles 8:8).
So the seeds housed a spirit... This is how charms work. A charm is a covert idol, a deception. It is essentially a "magic trick", except it is real. It works by part deception and part supernatural invitation. The trick is when you're told that the charm will do something for you. You're told it will "bring you good luck", ( as these African dream herb seeds are believed to do. They're said to be a talisman ( and bring luck and protection to their owner after being charged with magical powers ) When you believe the lie that it will bring you good luck, you have committed idolatry. The charm has now charmed you, and its effect as a snare has been accomplished. It is a deception of the enemy. Be forewarned, I advise against owning these seeds because the shops selling them are pushing witchcraft doctrine, and what they were used for.
I used to own one of these. They are in the same genre of occult items as "healing crystals", and "ouja boards." I was heavily into shamanism, native american culture, mysticism, buddhism, and a little into hindu beliefs. I generally believed that this thing had powers as when I held it in my hand, I could feel something alive inside of it. It felt like I was holding a turtle in its shell. I have sense gotten rid of it and repented, but my journey out of the occult, is what has made me a believer in Jesus Christ and the bible. I've always believed in God, but I have now seen the proof that there are sinister deceptive forces at work in the world, and they're here to kill, steal, and destroy.. but they are also recruiting innocent people to join the dark side.. and this shamanic doctrine that they're pushing is indoctrination into full blown witchcraft. Many start off as a innocent interest in native americans and shamanism, and wind up being a full blown voodoo priest. Be very careful and don't way I didn't warn you! Bottom line, these African Dream Herb seeds are typically distributed by people involved in the occult, which makes them very dangerous accursed objects. If you bring one into your home you become accursed like it.
Buy African Dream Herb Seeds (Entada rheedii)
Academic citations:
[3] Nair, Lekshmy R., and M. Balasubrahmanian. "Correlation Between Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activities of Different Leaf Extracts of Entada rheedii." The Journal of Plant Science Research 39.1 (2023): 199-208.
[4] Stone, K. (2023). Indian Ocean sea beans: Affective methods in museum archives. In Hydrofeminist Thinking With Oceans (pp. 101-117). Routledge.
[5] Salim, K. S., Harun, A., Aziz, N. A., Daud, S., & So’ad, S. Z. M. (2024). BIOACTIVE PHYTOCHEMICALS AND PHARMACOLOGICAL FACETS OF Entada SPECIES IN ASIA: A REVIEW. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 28(5), 1210-1230.
[6] Nzowa, L. K., Barboni, L., Teponno, R. B., Ricciutelli, M., Lupidi, G., Quassinti, L., ... & Tapondjou, L. A. (2010). Rheediinosides A and B, two antiproliferative and antioxidant triterpene saponins from Entada rheedii. Phytochemistry, 71(2-3), 254-261.
[7] Okba, Mona M., et al. "Entada rheedii seeds thioamides, phenolics, and saponins and its antiulcerogenic and antimicrobial activities." Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8.5 (2018): 101-108.
[8] Nair, L. R., & Balasubrahmanian, M. (2023). Correlation Between Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activities of Different Leaf Extracts of Entada rheedii. The Journal of Plant Science Research, 39(1), 199-208.
[1] Toro, G., & Thomas, B. (2007). Drugs of the dreaming: Oneirogens: Salvia divinorum and other dream-enhancing plants. Simon and Schuster.
[?] Food of the Gods: Schults, Hoffman
Encyclopedia Sources:
Other resources:
M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars
PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Erowid.org Huge Drug Database A-Z