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Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens."
Legal disclaimer: The information provided herein is for intel and educational purposes. I am not encourage the use of drugs(especially pharmaceutical crap), nor encouraging illegal activity. I am merely stating facts, and seeking to reduce harm, and inform(in order to blow the whistle). That is not illegal. Thanks.
Don't eat the fruit.
Rundown(Summary): Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is one of my most favorite ethnobotanicals of all time. Not only is it connected to LSD, but it has pagan roots, and even a connection with the fruit from the book of genesis. It is seen in the movie "the wizard of oz", and has personal prophetic significance for my own life and story. It is connected to both divination, and prophecy. The seed coating is poisonous but can be removed. Working with Hawaiian Baby Woodrose or Argyreia nervosa, is an alchemist wet dream, or even a "chemist". Pagans use the seeds to prepare elixirs, potions, and other preparations. It's used by them for pharmakeia, divination, necromancy, and other occult practices. The lysergics within the seed assist the practitioner in entering altered states, where they can interact with the divine, and gain knowledge and power from spiritual sources. This is called shamanism or witchcraft. The two are of the same. I am a bit of a spiritual expert and love to share the truth about these things here on the site.
The clip below is an omen("a prophetic symbol") in my own personal life that relates to the fruit from the book of Genesis, and the occult. The consumption of the fruit leads to an immediate storm, following by a gaining of understanding into the hidden. My time there was the most fascinating out of any other time in life. When she goes to see the psychic and ask him for hidden secret knowledge, she eats the fruit(the second the believes it). The second she leaves, a storm comes. Shes then lifted up above the firmament to "munchkin land". She, "opened the door"(pun intended) to the hidden, and stepped into a new and colorful world, a world that was lit up by a colorful neon light... See the symbolism? I saw this movie at a witches house when I was a kid, and am convinced that divination is the reason that she played that movie. The omen below ( prophetic symbol ) is also tied to the song the Sounds Of Silence, and I highly suggest that you play the song to the clip. It has deep prophetic significance..
Nicknames: I call it "Oz Vine", or "Rainbow vine"; I also like to call it: "Munchkin fruit"; I have always had a thing for slang names for drugs, and always try to come up with my own.. Common nicknames include: Hawaiian baby woodrose, adhoguda or "vidhara"(Sanskrit), elephant creeper and woolly morning glory. I prefer Rainbow vine or Oz vine.
Classification: Psychedelic; (has a toxic lethal dose limit) [lethal dose possible in sufficient quantities]
Plant Family: [ related to the Ergot fungus and alkaloids ]
Properties/Medicinal Benefits: Psychedelic; Sedative;
Mixes well with: Ginger root, frankincense, and an maoi like Passion flower or Banisteriopsis caapi will boost the psychedeli effects. I also like to add some crushed up pineal gland cones from the center of Echinacea purpurea to the mix for a third eye boost. Ginger aids in digestion[7], and reduces nausea[8], and frankincense reduces nausea as well[9], and boost the immune system. Frankincense is good for your cells, including white blood cells, and is anti-cancer.[10] This is the kind of stuff traditional cultures did, they blended things for synergistic effects. Modern medicine typically focuses on one isolated constituent, or a fake version of one meant to manipulate your biology in an unGodly manner.
Antidote: Echinacea purpurea/angustifolia, and Jesus;
Phytochemicals: LSA(d-lyergic-acid-amide), ergot, ergotamine; ergine and isoergine[1] flavanoids, terpenoids, poly phenols, carbohydrates, alkaloids, sterols
and glycosides[4] chanoclavine, elymoclavine, also erginine or isoergine and
lysergol[4] alkaloids, saponins, phytosterols, tannins, phytosterols, steroids;[5]
All of these are documented on academic databases like PubChem and Google Scholar. I link to them at the bottom of every page. [ Note this is not all of them that exist within the plant, and I never claim to cover every one of them. I try to get as many as possible listed though. ]
Quick note: Out of all of the plants that produce d-lysergic-acid-amide(LSA), and related ergot constituents, the one that produces the most, and is the easiest to work with, is Hawaiian Baby Woodrose(Argyreia nervosa). Also note that at least 14 varieties of Argyreia produce these ergot constituents. I link to a great site that cites academic sources on this below, that list at least 14 strains of the family that produce lysergics.
Warnings: Don't eat the fruit. HBWR is secretly used by witches/pagans/shamans(sorcerers) ceremonially(ritually)[2][3]. They used the seeds for communing with their gods(spirits), necromancy, divination(fortune-telling, predicting the future, etc), and other things forbidden in Deuteronomy 18[2][3]. The seeds induce a state that allows them to better interact with the 'divine realm', or "spirit realm".[2][3] 2 Peter 1:21 KJV "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." Psychedelic, and poisonous plants, even deadly ones, are connected to sorcery(shamanism, witchcraft, freemasonry, and the occult). This is a major secret hidden in plain sight that I seek to expose.
Natural habitat:
Rare Facts: It's believed that ergot and or related sources of these chemical constituents, were tied to an ancient Greek potion known as "Kykeon". You don't hear about this very often. Another rare fact that I find very important ( because there's a lot of conspiracy theories about the CIA, and I am citing an academic source on this ) It turns out that MKultra, mind control, and the CIA using LSD as a potential mind control drug is a conspiracy reality.[29][30] I cite academic sources on this. See: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/history_capstones/6/ The source states: "From 1953 to 1964 the CIA engaged in various clandestine operations to manipulate the human mind. With the relatively new discovery of LSD, scientists around the world became interested in its ability to be used for both defensive and offensive measures in the interest of national security"
Quick disclaimer: I do not sell these seeds, nor do I make profit from discussing them. They are legal however, if not used illegally, and can be easily purchased online. Information is not illegal, and certain people have the religious rights to use this stuff in the US. Discrimination is illegal. I am not encouraging use or any illegal activity. I intend to inform, and reduce harm, and bibilify the ethnobotanical community. Thanks.
Harm Reduction Note: The seed coating is poisonous. The LSA and other ergot constituents are within the seed. Some people like to carefully and patiently scrape the coating off with a sharp knife. Then, the seeds are placed in a couple layers of bags, and smashed flat with a hammer. From there, some powdered ginger root is added, and frankincense(to reduce nausea), and then an MAOI is optional(passion flower, banisteriopis caapi, or syrian rue). These are some examples of various preparation methods. Now you can see why shamans would mix certain plants. They vary among different cultures, and individuals. Information is for harm reduction and educational only! I am not encouraging the consumption of these seeds. Do NOT EAT THE FRUIT. I am merely sharing the types of methods shamans would use to get the best results, having limited options, and as an alternative to modern advanced chemistry.
Traditional Preparations: I will update this section in time. "Ololiuqui was used by the ancient Aztecs not only as a potion but also as an ingredient of magical ointments. At the present time the crushed seeds are taken in water or in alcoholic beverages such as pulque, mescal, or aguardiente"[31] Mescal beans that it mentions, are potent enough to kill an adult. It only takes one mescal bean to kill. HBWR seeds are not totally safe, but it is much safer than mescal beans, that's for sure. I will share more about this ointment as the page is updated.
A famous carving or painting that was inspired by psychedelics, in my belief is closely related to Ololiuqui, and related plants(LSA containing psychedelic plants). It is one of the many tree(s) of knowledge( from Genesis 3 in the bible). Poisonous and psychedelic plants have a vast history of use by traditional cultures for their applications in sorcery(divination, necromancy, worship or false gods, and other ceremonial traditions) For those of you who don't know(and this is very important), divination is supernaturally obtained information, and was and is often done by utilizing psychedelics by indiginous cultures(sorcerers, shamans, etc). Famous ethnobotanist/ethnopharmacologist Dennis Mckenna made a covert serpent comment on the subject on the Joe Rogan podcast where he said "Nevermind where the information came from... as long as it's good information, then what difference does it make?" I found it interesting because they were discussing how shamans obtain information from this realm in which psychedelics take them to... People are not seeing what is right in front of them for what it is. According to Wikipedia: "The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist, so named because its first documented appearance is in Camille Flammarion's 1888 book L'atmosphère : météorologie populaire ("The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology"). The wood engraving has often, but erroneously, been referred to as a woodcut. It has been used as a metaphorical illustration of either the scientific or the mystical quests for knowledge." Wikipedia contributors. (2022, July 26). Flammarion engraving. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 07:52, August 2, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flammarion_engraving&oldid=1100579570
Related Ethnobotanicals: There are other plants that also contain/produce ergot and LSA related constituents, and they include: Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Morning Glory, and Sleepy grass(Stipa robusta)[Achnatherum robustum], and finally straight up Ergot fungus(Claviceps purpurea) On a final note, I want to share this blog on The satanic 'entheogen' deception, and how it ties into the subject of these seeds, and everything they're related to as well, and even the garden of Eden, and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
OG Observation: I notice a lot of symbolism after leaving the occult, and I couldn't help but notice something about the movie, "The Wizard Of Oz"... As soon as Dorothy opens the door(pun intended) to "munchkin land", everything goes from black and white, to colorful! ( symbolic of a psychedelic trip... ) The first thing you see when she opens the door and the camera pans around, is a bunch of what looks like Hawaiian baby woodrose( or Ololiuqui), both of which contain psychedelic LSA. I also see Damiana. Remember: She ate the fruit.. When she went to the psychic, she ate the fruit ( she asked him for forbidden knowledge, and when she believed that knowledge, she then consumed the fruit ( the knowledge ). The first thing that happened after eating the fruit, was that a storm came, and off to munchkin land she went. This symbolism sheds whole new light to the phrase "somewhere over the rainbow", doesn't it? "Birds fly, over the rainbow... Why then... oh Why... Can't... I.."
Full list of Ergot constituents:(that I know of): [Remember Ergot fungus and these seeds share nearly the same chemical composition] chanoclavine, agroclavine, festuclavine, lysergene, elymoclavine, lysergol, isolysergol, setoclavine, isosetoclavine, penniclavine, molliclavine, LSA, and LSH. They're found in Ergot fungus, plants, and seeds. Just think, Chemist in school, have the knowledge required to free-base each individual one of these chemicals. This means, that chemist in school have the potential to flood the streets with thousands of God-made substances that were collected(isolated,free-based) from their natural sources(plant material). Perhaps that is why they targeted Sebastian guthery of Edens Ethno's, because his entrepaneurship was also activism, and part of that activism was providing ethnobotanical specimins for researchers. The socialist don't want people to have good medicine, and certainly not freely. The serpent wants control of all drugs, and to coverup the source of all medicine, God. They are God-posers, and God-haters.
Entheogens as the fruit of the tree of knowledge
What is the Pineal gland?(Third eye)
List Of Argyreia species that contains LSA and related constituents..
Academic citations:
[1] Taber, W. A., Heacock, R. A., & Mahon, M. E. (1963). Ergot-type alkaloids in vegetative tissue of Rivea corymbosa (L.) Hall. f. Phytochemistry, 2(1), 99-101.
[2] Sayin, H. U. (2014). The consumption of psychoactive plants during religious rituals: The roots of common symbols and figures in religions and myths. NeuroQuantology, 12(2), 276-296.
[3] Wasson, R. G. (1963). Notes on the present status of ololiuhqui and the other hallucinogens of Mexico. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, 20(6), 161-193.
[4] Nachiar, G. S., Kumar, P. R., & Prabhu, T. P. (2021). PHYTOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEW ON IPOMEA AND RIVEA SPECIES. prevent, 3(4), 5.
[5] Mascarenhas, M. E., Mandrekar, C. R., Marathe, P. B., & Morais, L. J. (2017). Phytochemical screening of selected species from Convolvulaceae. Int. J. Curr. Pharm. Res, 9(6), 94-97.
[7] Khodaie, L., & Sadeghpoor, O. (2015). Ginger from ancient times to the new outlook. Jundishapur journal of natural pharmaceutical products, 10(1).
[8] Ernst, E., and M. H. Pittler. "Efficacy of ginger for nausea and vomiting: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials." British journal of anaesthesia 84.3 (2000): 367-371.
[9] Efferth, T., & Oesch, F. (2022, May). Anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities of frankincense: Targets, treatments and toxicities. In Seminars in cancer biology (Vol. 80, pp. 39-57). Academic Press.
[10] Talaat, A., Elgendy, Y. A., Mohamed, H. F., Saed, N. M., Abd Elrouf, N. A., Elgendy, H. A., ... & Badr, N. S. (2023). Ameliorative effects of frankincense oil on rats treated with a minimum toxic dose of paracetamol. J. Med. Life Sci, 5, 155-175.
[24] Dawson, A. S. (2015). Salvador Roquet, María Sabina, and the trouble with jipis. Hispanic American Historical Review, 95(1), 103-133.
[25] Balsera, V. D. (2009). The Shaman meets the poet: María Sabina and the curative powers of language. In Sacred Tropes: Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an as Literature and Culture (pp. 283-299). Brill.
[27] Nachiar, G. Shanthini, P. R. Kumar, and T. Purushoth Prabhu. "PHYTOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEW ON IPOMEA AND RIVEA SPECIES." prevent 3.4 (2021): 5.
[28] Fields, F. H. (1969). Rivea corymbosa: Notes on some Zapotecan customs. Economic botany, 23(3), 206-209.
[29] Linville, T. M. (2016). Project MKULTRA and the search for mind control: clandestine use of LSD within the CIA.
[30] O’Neill, T., & Piepenbring, D. (2019). Inside the Archive of an LSD Researcher With Ties to the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Project. The Intercept, November, 24.
[31] Hofmann, Albert. "Teonanácatl and Ololiuqui, two ancient magic drugs of Mexico." Bull. Narc 23.1 (1971): 3-14.
Proof google scholar is legit from .edu
Book Citations:
Richard Evans Schultes, et al. Plants of the Gods : Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers. Rochester, Vt., Healing Arts Press, 2001.
Encyclopedia Sources:
[01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivea_corymbosa
Encyclopedia.com on Necromancy
Hoffman's Potion - LSD Documentary
Other resources:
M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars
PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov