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Serpentine Wood(Rauvolfia serpentina)

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Serpentine Wood(Rauvolfia serpentina)
serpentine wood plant

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Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens."

Quick investigative note: Immediately I notice that the scientific name has "serpent" right in it.. So I know a scientist named the plant, and I know about this plant from a book called "Salvia Divinorum, & Drugs Of The Dreaming Mind", that this plant was used by sorcerers[and.. "There shall not be found among you.." Deuteronomy 18..]. The book isn't what I thought it was. I notice a trend of new age books on drugs and the occult, that make use of the phrase "drugs of the new world". I had to throw the book out because I am Christian, and it is an accursed book(shares occult teachings, etc). I did manage to write down a list of plants that sorcerers used before tossing the book however, so that I could expose them and the demonic doctrines behind them herein. Anyway, the book states that this plant was used by sorcerers(shamans), and is poisonous. Sometimes, very dangerous plants may have a history of use as medicine, but they're still potentially very dangerous, and this practice makes use of the ardnt shulz rule.[2] This pharmacological rule has to do with the effects of pharmaca or poisons in various concentrations. "For every substance, small doses stimulate, moderate doses inhibit, large doses kill."

I'm making an educated guess based on everything I have witnessed my entire life and what's happening now in the news, that there's a push for legal drugs across the board, and even academics are behind this agenda, as well as fortune 500 companies. I expose this more thoroughly in my blog: Ethnobotany & Pharmakekia, a Warning to Christians. We're seeing the first phases of it now with legal thc products being marketed as "entheogens", and the decriminalization of all drugs in some states. Serpent medical want's to sell everyone their illegal drugs, legally. We're also seeing legal psychedelics ( and I expect to see more drug companies producing and selling legal psychedelics, hints the research chemical revolution that happened a while back. ) There are real researchers who have the job title of "psychededlic researcher", and they experiment with psychedelics in a pharmaceutical laboratory, just ask Josie kins. Her job title is "psychedelic researcher"

Plant Family: Apocynaceae; Genus: Rauvolfia; Species: R. serpentina

Common nicknames: Indian snakeroot, devil pepper, or serpentine wood[3] [ Comments: We see the words: "Snake", "Devil", and "Serpent", in those three nicknames. That's a pretty clear indication to stear clear of this plant. I put it in the same category as Datura, and that category is the: Don't eat the fruit, ye shall surely die, category. ]

Properties/Medicinal Benefits: Poisonous; The plant has medicinal properties, but only when utilized in a very knowledgable way, thus resulting it in being mostly dangerous. It contains alkaloids in its root that induce a anti-hypertensive pharmacological action.[7] Despite it being highly poisonous, it still has the potential as medicine. I'm strongly against this, as I tend to learn more towards non-toxic medicinal plants, but it is possible however. A lot of modern pharmaceuticals make use of thie Ardn't Shulz medical rule, which states that low enough doses of a poison behave as medicine[2]. Some of the benefits would include: These include insanity, epilepsy, insomnia, hysteria, eclampsia and hypertension[7] It is considered: a cardiodepressant, hypnotic and sedative[7]; In Ayurvedic medicine of India, the plant was used as a seditive[9]. Note that this was done so in a precise way, and one can NOT merely make a tea out of it and "get better". The use of toxic plants and or poisons as medicine, is not to be tried by amateurs. Drug companies make use of this as well, and utilize poisons as medicine, like penicillin, and hycosamine from Datura. Around 600 B.C., Indian Snakeroot (serpentine wood) was used to treat snakebites, mental illness, and insomnia[12]. I've often read that in primitive healing practices, "like treats like" is a saying.. It means that you can treat a condition with something that causes it in high doses.. sorta like how hangovers are often cured with a single beer.. The plant produces types of poisons that would induce psychosis followed by death at the right doses... but in controlled minute amounts, was actually used to treat psychosis.. I highly advise against trying this at home, as it will most likely kill you.

Phytochemicals: Contains dozens of alkaloids of the indole alkaloid family, including ajmaline, ajmalicine, reserpine, and serpentine, and more. serpine[7]; phenols, tannins and flavonoids as well[7]; Contains small amounts of scopolamine[8] Scopolamine is a mind control drug/deadly poison/dilerant that is also found within Atropa Bella Donna(deadly nightshade), Henbane, Datura, and Mandrake. It's diabolical. Serpentine wood also contains small amounts of yohimbine, thebaine(also found in Opium), and yohimbinine..[10] Yohimbe is a plant that also contains yohimbine and yohimbinine.., and it is bad stuff(I've personally had a horrible experience on Yohimbe. I warn against it.)

All of these are documented on academic databases like PubChem and Google Scholar. I link to them at the bottom of every page. [ Note this is not all of them that exist within the plant, and I never claim to cover every one of them. I try to get as many as possible listed though. ]

Quick note: For those who appreciate a List Of Scopolamine Producing Plants, here you go!

Native To: Indian subcontinent and East Asia (from India to Indonesia)[4]

Again, we notice that sorcerers(shamans) often utilized poisonous plants, to flirt with death, and better tap into the "other side", so as to assist them in practicing divination, and necromancy. They used these altered states of consciousness, to accomplish these occult feats. Everything that they practiced and is forbidden in Deuteronomy 18, they engaged in. Keep this in mind, and note that being around these people will truly bring the wrath of God upon you. I know from experience. Stay away from them. Don't let bad apples into your friends circle.

Other ethnobotanicals that Christians will want to know about(because they were also utilized for divination and other occult practices) include: Kola Nut(Believe it or not, Kola nut was used for the original source of Caffeine and flavor in Coca Cola, along with an added hint of Coca leaf. It was also used indiginously by shamanic cultures for divination though.), Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds(they're connected to LSD, which is tied to satanism and the occult[pharmakeia; divination; sorcery]), Ololiuqui(same as HBWR), DMT-containing plants(Mimosa hostilis, and hundreds of others), Ayahuasca brew(b. caapi mixed with chacruna/chaliponga, and others), Atropa Bella Donna, Datura(Devils weed), Mandrake, and Henbane. All of these plants are to be avoided at all costs. Kola nut is ok though when used in a Godly context, and not for divination, as it is non-toxic and actually has health benefits, and a delicious wholesome flavor.

There's witchcraft shops in the US that sell this stuff.. In fact, our laws that prohibit certain plants, are completely backwards. Stuff like this is legal, and the beneficial ones are always attacked. It makes more sense to decriminalize and utilize medicinal plants like Cannabis and Kratom, and then ban ones like Datura and Serpentine ( if you're going to go that route ). I'm not really for prohibiting any plants, but if we were to do so, the governments choices for the ones that are always under their attack, are always the wrong ones.. While potentially deadly ones go un-noticed by the majority of the politicians, law enforcement, and even dea. There are tons of legal plants in the US that contain and produce controlled substances, like LSA, Mescaline, DMT, Ibogaine, and other naturally occuring psychedelic substances. There are wiccan shops selling deadly plants. I'm here to blow the whistle on their dark secrets. One of the darkest occult secrets is that there's an entire underground culture of people who buy, sell, and use deadly plants in witchcraft. A lot of these plants contain a mind control drug called scopolamine. Vice blew the whistle on it, and they did a great job. A shop called "Bouncing Bear Botanicals" used to sell deadly plants. They sold something called "mescal beans", and it said right on the product description "one seed is said to be enough to kill and adult". It astounds me our government wanted to bully and ruin lives over Kratom(a powdered leaf proven to be more good than bad), but they allow people to operate and utilize deadly plants. Scopolamine can be legally produced and sold in the USA. It is backwards.

One last point I want to make on here is that big serpent medical corporations utilize plants like this one and other to extract substances from in order to sell and make drugs. A lot of the best pharmaceuticals are not man-made, but are rather free-based from plants. Scopolamine and other substances are often used in eye drops, and free-based from these deadly plants associated with witchcraft on a mass scale. Below is a video that illustrates this. They use 'deadly nightshade' aka "atropa bella donna" as well to make eye drops with. The video below is not mine but backs me up. I also want to cite the book: "National Geographic, Plants That Heal", to further cite and prove that big pharmaceutical companies utilize plants to make/extract medicines from. The globe is being ripped off. They're using law enforcement and politicians to protect their drug trade. It's not right.


Disclaimer: This information is presented for harm reduction, and intel purposes(educational). I am not encouraging, glorifying, or otherwise promoting the use of any plant, or substance. See this sites legal disclaimer for more clarity. I am not encouraging illegal behavior either. I cite and link to authoritative sources, and educational resources. Thanks!

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Academic citations:

[2] [link] Sharma, Rajneesh Kumar. "Arndt Schultz Law and Its Applications."

[3] USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Rauvolfia serpentina". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 19 October 2015.

[4] "Rauvolfia serpentina". Flora of China. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA. Retrieved 9 April 2012.

[5] "Rauwolfia serpentina root". DrugBank, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 2 November 2018. Retrieved 25 November 2018.

[6] Srivastava, A.; Tripathi, A. K.; Pandey, R.; Verma, R. K.; Gupta, M. M. (2006). "Quantitative determination of reserpine, ajmaline, and ajmalicine in Rauvolfia serpentina by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography". Journal of Chromatographic Science. 44 (9): 557–60. doi:10.1093/chromsci/44.9.557. PMID 17059683.

[7] Malviya, A., & Sason, R. (2016). The phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Sarpagandha: Rauwolfia Serpentina. Ayushdhara, 3(1), 473-478.

[8] Dey, A., Mukherjee, A., & Chaudhury, M. (2017). Alkaloids from apocynaceae: origin, pharmacotherapeutic properties, and structure-activity studies. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 52, 373-488.

Skalicka-Woźniak, K., & Gertsch, J. (2020). Antipsychotic natural products. In Annual reports in medicinal chemistry (Vol. 55, pp. 481-515). Academic Press.

[9] Lobay D. Rauwolfia in the Treatment of Hypertension. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015 Jun;14(3):40-6. PMID: 26770146; PMCID: PMC4566472.

Proof google scholar is legit from .edu


Toro, G. and Thomas, B. (2007) Drugs of the dreaming: Oneirogens: Salvia divinorum and other dream enhancing plants. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press.

[9a] Balick, Michael J., and Paul Alan Cox. Plants, People, and Culture : The Science of Ethnobotany. New York, Garland Science, 2020.

[12] Swerdlow, J. L. (2000). Nature’s medicine: Plants that heal. National Geographic Society. Book Page: 380

Academic resources:

PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Google Scholar


Encyclopedia Entries:

Wikipedia contributors. (2023, October 27). Arndt–Schulz rule. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:05, April 12, 2024, from [link]

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