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Buy Achuma Cactus

(Trichocereus bridgesii) For Sale

Note: I'm not against these cactus, nor any plant that produces controlled substances. I want people to buy these plants and not chemicals from doctors, and drug dealers. Herbal medicine is the only real medicine, including plants like these, even though they are in a grey area of the law. I'm here to provide intel and defend the medical value of these plants and their God-made phytochemical components. They should be legal, and thankfully most are.
Nicknames: Bolivian Torch Cactus;[2] Achuma Cactus; Wachuma;
Legality: Achuma Cactus(T. bridgesii) is legal in the US and sold everywhere. You can find endless shops online that sell it, and they're not the type of shops that promote "legal highs", nor do most of them realize that these cactus produce mescaline, an illegal psychedelic/medicine.[?] They're still legal to sell, buy, and own however. I'm here to share intel(facts). This blog is not intended to encourage illegal or dangerous behavior but to provide intel.
Walmart and Amazon, among other places, sell a book called "Peyote and other psychoactive cactus", and it actually talks about how to illegally extract mescaline from the cactus.[3] They tell you how to break the law in this book sold on Walmart.com but they're not being bullied by the FBI, DEA or the police. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Peyote-and-Other-Psychoactive-Cacti-Paperback-9780914171959/921780?classType=VARIANT&from=/search
Classification: Psychedelic; Produces and contains Mescaline, a powerful natural psychedelic.[1] Mescaline has been studied by scientist and has medicinal properties, especially in micro-doses;[3][5][9]
Cactus Family: Trichocereus bridgesii;[2][3]
Ethnobotany: Trichocereus bridgesii is native to Bolivia, where indigenous shamans used the psychedelic cactus for occult practices listed in Deuteronomy 18;[1] This is pharmakeia. Shamanism is witchcraft. The active component of this medicinal cactus is Mescaline, which has been studied by scientist for its pharmacological potential and it has tremendous potential in therapeutic applications.[5][6][7] It is not accurate to label this plant as "bad". It can be used as a medicine, or as an occult tool. It's all in what you do with it.
Natural Habitat: Bolivia;[3][2]
Plant mixtures: Indigenous cultures would sometimes combine plants for their synergistic properties.[4] With things like Ayahuasca, an MAOI is required in order to allow the body to digest the active components of the other plant(s).[4] These MAOI's help the stomach digest and make use of more of the active substance that it is mixed with.[4]
OG Observations: I used to be an affiliate marketer for Bouncing Bear Botanicals that sold products such as Trichocereus bridgesii cactus, and now I am a whistle blower, and federal informant.[8] I'm here to bring down illegal drug rings being run by cheaters in the US government. The more I do my activism, the more the enemy tries to come after me. When I started blowing the whistle on these cactus that produce controlled substances, the santa rosa county firefighters drove down our street and blared their siren again. They used to do this when I first decided to become an informant to keep me quiet. There are freemasons, neo nazis and satanic temple members and other cults in the SRCSO, FBI, and DEA in Pensacola Florida. They're involved in a nation wide crime plot against American entrepaneurs and activist. My whistle blowing link is on the links section of this website.
How Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Modern Pharma, Illegal Drug Labs, And the Occult Are All Connected: Ethnobotany is the study of the cultural and religious use of plants.[4] These types of plants are known as ethnobotanicals. Ethnobotanicals have cultural, religious, industrial, and pharmacological significance, as well as ecological.[4] Ethnobotanist study these plants and the cultures that use them.[4] This knowledge is then passed on to phytochemist, who study those specimens in the lab for their medicinal value.[10] These phytochemicals have been studied and found to produce the most miraculous medicinal value out of all medicines on earth[11][12], yet the big serpent medical corporations don't want you to have them.. Big drug companies take these chemicals and the knowledge of how they work, and then use that knowledge to alter them into man-made abominations(Exodus 20:4) so they can patent them and turn them into a big pharmaceutical, so that you'll buy their drugs instead of growing your own. This is why certain plants are made illegal as well. Drugs start with indigenous primitive cultures, and winds up in modern medical laboratories or illegal drug manufacturing labs.[4][11][12] At the same time, it was poisonous plants used by the occult that started the pharmaceutical industry in the first place, as drug companies use them to make "medicine" with.[?]
Despite the fact that around 5% of these ethnobotanicals produce and contain controlled substances, the majority (99%) of those controlled substances produced by plants(God-MADE) are the safest and best medicine on earth, and should be legal. Pharmaceuticals on the other hand, are altered versions of natural drugs, or totally fake versions made in the likeness of the natural ones found in plants. Plants are a better option than these pharmakeia abominations. Christians are wrong, and it is plants that are medicine, not pills. It is pills that should be illegal, not plants. THC, CBD, Morphine, Caffeine, Nicotine, Menthol, are all God-made pharmaceuticals produced by plants, or otherwise known as phytochemicals.
T. bridgesii Phytochemicals & Pharmacology: Mescaline, an illegal psychedelic and medicine that has been studied by scientist for its benefits to those suffering from PSTD.[5][9] Keep in mind however, that Mescaline is just one phytochemical out of many that the cactus and ethnobotanicals in general produce that have medicinal value.[3][4] One research study reported that: "(68–86%) of test subjects reported subjective improvement following their most memorable mescaline experience."[13] The study goes on to report that "Many respondents (35–50%) rated the mescaline experience as the single or top five most spiritually significant or meaningful experience(s) of their lives."[13] Back in the day when I did these things I remember feeling this way so I can agree with that. These ethnobotanicals are far better medicine than man made pharmaceutical garbage. Christians have it backwards. God gave man every seed bearing herb, not pills and vaccines. Let me sum this paragraph up with some words from the scholars theirself: "In the late 1800s, peyote attracted scientific attention; mescaline was isolated, and its role in the psychedelic effects of peyote tops or “mescal buttons” was demonstrated. Its structure was established by synthesis in 1929, and alternative routes were developed, providing larger amounts for pharmacological and biosynthetic research."[13] That means that this cactus was studied for medical research in the early 1900's... and the scholars agree, the patients agree, and yet, it's illegal.. So stupid.
Sadly it looks like the five pointed star that the police wear(an occult symbol), and the serpent on the side of the ambulance(both graven images tied to false pagan gods of freemasonry and the occult[Exodus 20:3,4]) are trying to control all drugs and medicine so they can make money from every head on the planet. This is why they push to force people on drugs and vaccines. Medical tyranny is lurking as the serpent seeks to gain more power on our planet, abide Psalm 91:1.
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Buy Trichocereus bridgesii

Academic citations:
[1] Ogunbodede, Olabode Olufunmilayo. Alkaloid content in relation to ethnobotanical use of Trichocereus pachanoi and Related Taxa. Sul Ross State University, 2009.
[6] Duggan, Peter, and Scott Walker. "Could the medicalization of psychedelics lead to the next generation of antidepressants?." The Biochemist 46.1 (2024): 6-10.
[7] Humphreys, Keith, et al. "Therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs: navigating high hopes, strong claims, weak evidence, and big money." Annual Review of Psychology 76 (2024).
[9] Williams, Joshua. "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and The Reduction of Symptoms: A Review." (2023).
[10] Burrell, R. C. "Phytochemistry. What it is and how it has developed." Journal of Chemical Education 14.11 (1937): 520.
[13] Agin-Liebes, Gabrielle, et al. "Naturalistic use of mescaline is associated with self-reported psychiatric improvements and enduring positive life changes." ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 4.2 (2021): 543-552.
[14] Cassels, Bruce K., and Patricio Sáez-Briones. "Dark classics in chemical neuroscience: mescaline." ACS chemical neuroscience 9.10 (2018): 2448-2458.
[3] Gottlieb, Adam. Peyote and Other Psychoactive Cacti. Ronin Publishing, 15 June 2009.
[4] Balick, Michael J., and Paul Alan Cox. Plants, People, and Culture : The Science of Ethnobotany. New York, Garland Science, 2020.
[11] Swerdlow, Joel L. Nature’s Medicine : Plants That Heal. Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, 2000.
[12] Tyler, Varro E, et al. Pharmacognosy. 1988.
Other sources/operations:
[8] 850.NEWS
Encyclopedia Sources:
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echinopsis_lageniformis
Other resources:
[5] M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars
PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov