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Buy Argentine Saguaro Cactus Online

live wild trichocereus terscheckii cactus

Trichocereus terscheckii For Sale

#ethnobotanicals #cactus #argentine #saguaro

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Ezekiel 47:12 "And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine."

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to encourage illegal behavior or activity. It is for educational purposes only. Opinions are not to be taken as the glorification of drug use, but rather the defending of natural medicines, and their medical significance.

Activist note: I don't have a problem with Mescaline being used as medicine(in a legal & natural setting of course;). The drugs I have a problem with are man-made drugs, ie: pharmaceuticals, illegal or legal, doesn't matter. Mescaline is something people with PTSD swear by in microdoses as a medicine. It has been researched as such by the scholars and activist at MAPS.org. It's a God-made substance, and the cacti that produce it are much safer and better than any pharmaceutical that exist. I'm glad that it's legal for people to get their hands on plants that produce and contain controlled substances because it is better than going to a doctor or drug dealer(no chemical dope only plants). God never meant for us to be slaves to the serpent on the side of the ambulance and its man-made abominations in the first place. FYI: Walmart sells a book that exposes over 40 varieties of legal cactus in the USA that produce illegal mescaline. It also gives detailed instructions on how to illegally extract the mescaline. Walmart has not been bullied by the SRCSO, nor have they been "investigated" by the FBI or DEA however. Here's the proof: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Peyote-and-Other-Psychoactive-Cacti-Paperback-9780914171959/921780?classType=VARIANT&from=/search I own the book, and observed that Bouncing Bear Botanicals used it to identify his entire cactus selection in his shop.. He strictly sold ONLY mescaline producing cactus. I will always fight to keep these plants legal. That's why the socialist targeted me, because I want the truth out, people on plants, not pharmas, and they want me to be quiet, so they can run illegal drug extraction labs without resistance, and push synthetic or free-based drugs(more synthetic these days than anything).

It is not illegal to own or even talk about Cacti that produce mescaline. If anyone in the SRCSO, DEA, or FBI has wrongfully bullied you over this plant or any other, for any reason what so ever, please email me their name, thanks. I highly advise against using chemical versions of drugs, especially when you can easily obtain legal cactus and other ethnobotanicals. Here's a good documentary called "Whats 'In My Baggie'", exposing fake drugs sold as the real deal. The illegal drug cartels operating within our government don't want you to buy dried plant material, because then you won't be buying their chemical dope. Here's further evidence of multi-racial, international drug manufacturing operations being run by people in high places, ie pharmaceutical companies, academics, fbi, dea, etc. CBC News: Inside the ‘most sophisticated’ drug lab in Canadian history | About That

Nicknames: Argentine Saguaro cactus.[1][2] Cardon Grande, Cardon santo 'sacred cactus.[2]

Classification: Psychedelic; Legal in the US, all 50 states.[2]

Plant Family: Cactaceae; Genus: Trichocereus; Species: T. terscheckii;;[1] | Note: T. terscheckii, is often confused and mistaken for T. pasacana, of the same geographical region.[2][3] | Synonyms: Leucostele terscheckii.[1]

Ethnobotany: Trichocereus terscheckii, or Argentine Saguaro Cactus is native to South America where it has been used in shamanism for centuries;[2] It produces an illegal psychedelic substance called mescaline.[1][2][3], however it and over 40 other varieties of Cactus and other plants that produce and contain mescaline, are legal to own, buy, sell, trade, possess, etc.[2] Currently, Mescaline is being studied for its medicinal qualities and it shows miraculous potential in terms of medical use.[4] Shamans consumed psychedelic, and poisonous plants(drugs) in order to enhance occult practices mentioned in Deuteronomy 18, including Argentine saguaro!;[7] This is common practice in south America! Aside from its occult use, it has legitimate medicinal value and has been critical in medical research.[11][12][13]

Natural Habitat: South America;

Mixing Botanicals: Saguaro or any Mescaline producing cactus, can be combined with MAOI's like harmala producing plants such as Banisteriopsis caapi(Ayahuasca vine), or Passion flower, or Syrian rue, or Bobinsana ( all produce the same MAOI constituents ). This is how the Ayahuasca brew works, and it will help the stomach absorb more of the mescaline and related constituents. It's a common practice among indigenous cultures. This information is provided and intended for educational purposes only. In south America they powder the cactus after drying it(dehydrating it). You can find sellers online from South America who ship to the USA but the socialist are shadow banning entrepaneurs they hate so they can pretend to be real men and cheat. I was one, the government did me wrong and then projected what they did to me onto me as if it was something that I did. This makes it harder and harder for entrepaneurs to do business, as the socialist cheaters use even their enemies as sheep to help them do their evil doings to undeserving victims.

OG Observations: A bunch of idiot sheep in the government helped their organized criminal co-workers try to cover up the truth about these ethnobotanical plants, so they could run their illegal drug extraction operations without the other authorities figuring it out. The Pensacola DEA, and FBI in Pensacola florida are involved in organized crime and are preying on the American people. They have now been exposed as well. There are crooks in there, and they're running a stolen drug theft and distribution operation, as well as free-basing drugs from legal plants. They're going around pretending like it's illegal to import kratom when it isn't because they're losers who hate real men who have drive and ambition, and sadly it is mostly women behind their operation. A bunch of whites, Asians, and blacks, of the Pensacola FBI & DEA are in posession of Edend Ethnos Kratom that they baited victims with so they could steal it. I'm an eye witness, and so is my dad. It's the freemasons, nazi's, and satanic temple members running these drug theft and manufacturing operations, as well as related occult groups, that are behind this, as they're the ones into making synthetic drugs, and it is poisonous plants used by the occult that led to the invention of modern pharmaceuticals in the first place, like Deadly Nightshade(scopolamine carrier).[14] Here is a thorogh blog on that subject that I wrote called: Modern medicines connection to the occult!

Phytochemicals: Phytochemicals are medicinal chemical components of plants, and they are the source of all modern medicine.[11][12][13] Pharmaceuticals are either directly extracted from plants, or they are made using the knowledge obtained from the study of how natural God-made medicines affect our biology.[11][12][13] The serpent is stealing real medicine, and pushing fake abominations that are made in the likeness of the real seed bearing herbs that God gave us, as well as the medicinal components they produce. Even narcotics and psychedelics have a purpose and it is unGodly to try to whipe them off the face of the Earth. People are mass levels of stupid though, and enjoy copying each other. Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything under the heavens, there is a time, a purpose, and a season.

Trichocereus terscheckii produces candicine, trichocereine, hordenine, as well as mescaline.[3][2][1]

Candicine is an amine.[8] Amines are very important, and have a major industrial significance.. as they are used to make rubber, dyes, pharmaceuticals, etc.[9] Much research has been conducted on candicine and other pharmacological phytochemicals produced by this mescaline containing species. Candicine specifically, has been found to closely resemble nicotine in its effects.[10] Remember, this is one of many medicinally active chemical components of Argentine Saguaro cactus. All of the drugs this plant produces including the illegal Mescaline they, has scientifically confirmed medicinal applications, and have been studied for their properties in the lab.[10]

Mescaline: has had a huge role in medical science sense its first scientific analysis in 1896, by German chemist Arthur Heffter and his colleagues.[11] Here's a quote from an academic source on the subject of psychedelics being used as medicine: "Psychedelics, including mescaline, may serve as novel treatments for depression and anxiety".[5] It goes on to conclude that: "These findings suggest that the administration of single mescaline doses up to 800 mg are safe in a controlled clinical setting".[5] A group of scientist, researchers, and activist, are studying and helping to legalize these psychedelic substances for medical purposes. The group is called MAPS(Multi-disciplinary Association For Psychedelic Studies).[4] These God-made medicines are human beings God-given birth right. The fact that the government wants to take plants and cactus away, is a clue to you that you need to be prepared to defend the civilian population, yourself included.

Mescaline was the first psychedelic medicine that was used to mimic symptoms of schizophrenia in order to find its causes and possible treatments.[5] This is interesting because it reminds me a documentary I saw on LSD where they talk about how it was used to induce symptoms of schizophrenia in psychiatrist to help them understand their patients condition more. I know from studying medicine (both indigenous use of medicinal plants, homeopathy, phytochemistry, and modern pharmacology), that there's a medical rule called "like treats like".[6] Micro-dosing is also something one needs to keep in mind. People swear by psychedelics to treat their PTSD. They're as much medicine as they are drugs, and should be legal. It's a good thing that people can access these plants, and I only cost the drug dealers money by telling everyone they come from plants.

Trichocereine: Look at this: https://www.smolecule.com/products/s14727215 Pure trichocereine available. The authorities will immediately be mad. That proves how ignorant they are. It's a pharmacological medicine. Apparently it seems that most people are not aware of the industrial and medical significance of ethnobotanicals.

More HerbsPedia Blog-Posts: Sleepy grass(stipa robusta), and LSA seeds are used in illegal LSD manufacturing operations | Mimosa hostilis is used to free-base illegal DMT | A beginners guide to using kratom(Mitragyna speciosa) | Ayahuasca vine is used in witchcraft but has non-occult applications as well | Kratom As An Aphprodisiac | Amanita muscaira products exposed as poison and fake magic mushrooms! | Is Wild Dagga really psychoactive? A non-bias investigation. | How to grow Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds and plants from cuttings and sprouts.

It's not illegal for me to profit off of these barely legal plants, but just to avoid giving the losers and criminals in the FBI, DEA, and police in Pensacola and Santa Rosa County Florida any b.s. to use against me, I will state here that I'm not affiliated with the seller or paid for the link. Email me if you've been wrongfully bullied or harrased by any government employee.

Buy Argentine Saguaro Cactus

Statements and items are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure, any ailments, conditions, or diseases. That would be terrible right? Not evaluated or approved by the FDA. Consult your healthcare provider first. I hope your healthcare provider is the Lord.

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Academic citations:

[3] Reti, Ladislao, and J. A. Castrillón. "Cactus alkaloids. i. trichocereus terscheckii (Parmentier) britton and rose." Journal of the American Chemical Society 73.4 (1951): 1767-1769.

[5] Klaiber, Aaron, et al. "Safety pharmacology of acute mescaline administration in healthy participants." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024).

[6] Hall, Liz. "Like treats like." Occupational Health & Wellbeing (2005): 10.

[7] Stevens, Jose. Secrets of Shamanism : Tapping the Spirit Power within You. New York, Avonebooks, 1988.

[8] https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Candicine

[9] https://www.britannica.com/science/amine

[10] G. Barger and H. H. Dale (1910). "Chemical structure and sympathomimetic action of amines." J. Physiol. 41 19–59. L. Reti (1933) Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 114 811.

[14] Michael, Coby. The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Medicinal Nightshades, and Ritual Entheogens. Simon and Schuster, 2021.

Book Citations:

[2] Gottlieb, Adam. Peyote and Other Psychoactive Cacti. Ronin Publishing, 15 June 2009.

[11] Tyler, Varro E, et al. Pharmacognosy. 1988.

[12] Swerdlow, Joel L. Nature’s Medicine : Plants That Heal. Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, 2000.

[13] Balick, Michael J., and Paul Alan Cox. Plants, People, and Culture : The Science of Ethnobotany. New York, Garland Science, 2020.

Encyclopedia Sources:

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucostele_terscheckii

Plants For A Future Archive

Other resources:

[4] M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars

PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

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