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Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb)

Leaf Of God
live wild calea zacatechichi dream herb plant indonesia

#ethnobotany #ethnopharmacology #phytochemistry
#Calea #ternifolia #Kunth #zacatechichi
#alchemy #medicine #exposed

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Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens."

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Disinformation warning: I've read disinformation online that claims that Calea zacatechichi is a "psychedelic", and this is 100% NOT TRUE. It doesn't get you high either. I just wanted to squash this myth. I don't trust these new shops being run by occult socialist. I believe they may be spiking tinctures with phytochemicals. I'm ok with these natural substances, but not for falsely labeling products. It's illegal to mislabel a product. I see a future of isolates, but the occult and satanic temple want to control it. I'm here to support the peoples economy, those who do their own thing, and not the way of fortune 500. I also want to warn sellers, marketers, and people in general about false claims and dangerous marketing. Something like Dream Herb that's been mismarketed as a drug or "natural high", is a very dangerous selling strategy. It's not honest for one, and it puts the entire industry at risk. Christians and other paranoid "good civilians", don't understand these things and always suspect some type of shinanigan, so please label things clearly, and do not exaggerate to sell stuff. Consider peoples health, and always warn about any potential dangers, side effects, or interactions.

Nicknames: Dream Herb; Prodigiosa (in Mexico); zacatechichi; #ternifolia;[6]

Quick Fun Fact: Calea z has been studied sense the end of 19th century.[6]

Native Ethnobotanical Habitat:

The Calea zacatechichi(turnifolia) plant grows from Mexico to Costa Rica.[6] It's used by the Chontal natives of Oaxaca Mexico ceremonially; Some of my favorite Ethnobotanicals originate from there. Others which are used in Oaxaca by the Chontal natives include: LSA containing Ololiuqui. According to academic sources: "Mexico’s biodiversity comprises about 31,000 different species, and of these, more than 3350 are medicinal."[6] The crazy part is most of them are not even known to the western world yet. I'm here to introduce new species to the mainstream. This will start trends, and then new entrepaneurs will catch on. I want to make new ethno's go viral. Note: This is an endemic species.[6] Please buy the live plants or seeds and spread this species to help with its survival and domestication, regardless of where you live. It's one of the most widely used plants in Mexico![6]

dream herb calea

Occult Warning: Chontal natives of Oaxaca tend to be into shamanism. They use it for divination, because of its oneirogenic properties.[6] Divination is the occult art of predicting the future, or obtaninig supernatural "intel" on a subject, or person.[9] It's a real phenomena(I am a believer in both divination and prophecy, and choose prophecy.) Prophecy is the same thing except from the real God, and you don't use occult practices or accursed objects to facilitate prophecy, as it comes only by the will of the true God. I don't personally believe that this stuff is accursed if you don't use it in an occult fashion, but must warn one to use great caution. I use it, but I get it from non-shamanic sources. Psalm 91:1

calea zacatechichi leaf of god

What is Phytochemistry? What are Phytochemicals?

Phytochemistry is an important branch of science that when considered with what the fields of ethnobotany represent, and the basic understand of what ancient occult alchemy was all about, gives us an understanding about the true nature of medicine.[1][2][3][4][5] Medicine originates from nature, and modern pharmaceutical companies ( serpent medical ) know this.[3] They utilize various plants to make isolates, and or to study those isolates in order to create diabolical synthetic altererd verions of God-made substances like CBD, etc.[3] Alchemy is where chemistry was birthed from, and it dates back to occult Egypt.[4][5]


Calea zacatechichi produces: sesquiterpenes and flavonoids as the major constituents.[6] Furthermore it also contains: Erioflorin, acetyleriflorine, calein A, calein B, calaxin, ciliarin, budlein a tiglate, goyazensolide, calein c,d,e, & f...[6] There's so many I won't list them all, but interestingly it also contains the Coumarins: Herniarin, and scoparone, as well as the Favonoids Acacetin.[6] So we can see that there's not a whole lot of people publishing good thorough content on this plant online, or even entrepaneurs in their shops doing it. I can see why the socialist came after me. I would literally take over the country. I'm so thrilled to be the man to bring this information out of the scholarly databases and to the first page of Google. This plant is far more researched than people know. Calea z also contais: kaempferol, quercetin, phenolic acids, chloregenic acid, acetylenes, fatty acids, linoleic acid, various essential oil compounds recurring in the plant kindgom, and a unique one called Calamenene[6], to name a few. I link to this source in the citation section and it is loaded with a huge phytochemical list. In a nuttshell, this species, and many other ethnobotanicals have been extensively studied by phytochemist for their pharmacology(medicinal properties). These ethnobotanicals have been found to produce hundreds of medicinally active chemical components, each one producing a wide range of pharmacological value. I believe the occult is using various agencies and powers that be to oppress the truth about these studies, and how they all tie in to the bible and the story of the fruit from the book of Genesis. Ethnobtany is the study of the various fruit(plural) from the Garden of Eden, and phytochemistry ties in to it.

All of these are documented on academic databases like PubChem and Google Scholar. I link to them at the bottom of every page. [ Note this is not all of them that exist within the plant, and I never claim to cover every one of them. I try to get as many as possible listed though. ]

Essential oils: The major essential oils found in the Dream Herb ethnobotanical species include: camphor, curcumene, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, β-eudesmol, and caleochromene A[6] Camphor is also found in the Camphor bush(cinnamomum-camphora)[I have a blog on my old site on this page and will add it to HerbsPedia soon] Curcumene is also found in Cumin, a culinary spice used in Mexican dishes[8] A skilled phytochemist could isolate out each individual essential oil of the Calea z (turnifolia) species, and have quite the arsenal of natural God-made medicine(in the form of isolates). Isolates are merely the isolate of phytochemicals from all of the rest of the plant matter and other chemical components. I've already dreamed of how cool it would be to have thousands of legal medicinal phytochemicals in your stash spot. I believe that the satanic temple wants these natural remedies and cures for theirselves, as they recognize the power of Gods healing plants. They want to steal whats real and what God wants us to have, while pushing poisonous pharmakeia(serpent medical deceptions) on the rest of us. They're doing this right now with psilocybin, and pushing poisonous Amanita isolates on the public, it's diabolical.

Anxiolytic and Anti-depressant Properties: Studies were done using an extract form from the aerial parts of the Calea turnifolia plant(zacatechichi), and significant anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects in mice were observed.[6] Someone find out how many mg's of this phytochemical would be needed to induce bare minimal effects. Then we need to know how many mg's of that component are in say 1 gram of dried plant material. From there, a dosage could be calculated. Understanding these phytochemicals and their medicinal properties, helps a botanical artist to craft better medicines. There really is so much to learn about what's going on beneath the surface of their complex pharmacology. I want to also say that I find the anti-depressant part very exciting because I feel that God-made natural remedies tend to be much less harsh on the human biology, and the studies tend to agree, as does common sense... Human biology and the plant kindgom have evolved symboitcally. These plants produce medicines, in accordance to the genetic programming written and thoroughly coded into their blueprints by the creator, the same creator that made us, to benefit from every seed bearing herb that he hath given us.

On a final note, I'd like to say that I would have for sure enjoyed learning about phytochemistry and pharmacology in school. As an amateur on the subject, I really enjoy reading academic sources on the topic. If you find this stuff interesting, check out Hamiltons Pharmacopia on YouTube. I gotta warn people though, to beware of occult groups and their involvement with the modern pharmaceutical industry and even the illegal drug trade, as they are trying to take over, and are recruiting people via freemasonry(the worlds oldest and largest occult secret society). Your interest in these things can and will be exploited by the serpent, be forewarned(and about the false Gods of freemasonry, hermes trigsmigistus, and asclepious, which are also the two false gods of modern medicine, as seen on the side of the ambulance and in pharmaceutical symbolism.[12][13][14][15]) Exodus 20:3-4 You also need to know what the greek laurel wreath represents, victory. The symbolism on the Pharmakos page looks a lot like the greek laurel wreach(meaning victory) So combine the idea of victory and medical genocide, and you can see the occult symbolism. The word Occult means hidden, so think of it like it's the "hidden symbolism", hidden in plain sight. By the way, pharmakos is greek for genocide.[16]

Pharmacological / Medicinal Properties:
There isn't a lot of discussion of this ethnobotanical online in terms of its medicinal qualities(pharmacology). I'm glad to be the one to put this information there. I'm generally disappointed in others work, and the lack of credible information online, therefore I enjoy putting this high value content on the first page of Google. It's used to treat: anorexia, upset stomach, diabetes, periodic fevers, diarrhea, bile problems, and skin diseases.[6] It has the following pharmacological properties due to the complex phytochemicals present within the plant: spasmolytic, antidiabetic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and antinociceptive effects[6] "Dream Herb" is also known to be anti-diabetic[6] According to scientist, "the most relevant group of metabolites of the species are the sesquiterpene lactones"[6]

Medical use of Dream Herb for pets: Scholarly sources show that an alcoholic extract of Calea zacatechichi, "induced diarrhea and emesis in dogs, pigeons, and rabbits; however, no toxic effects were observed"[6] ( and hey, it might just give your pets wild and vivid dreams too! ) These are good things to know for entrepaneurs. There seems to be a lot of products trending towards pet health. I want to see people who are not freemasons and or in other occult groups flourish financially, and only support each other. My job here is to network and unite non-fortune 500 entrepaneurs across the country, and globe.

Studies on Dream Herbs Oneirogenic Effects: "Díaz (1979) reported the experiences of 12 healthy people after drinking infusions or smoking cigarettes made up with the dried leaves of the plant. The individuals reported mild augmentation of sensorial perceptions, imaginings, thought gaps, and retrieval problems; lethargy and a short sleep with lively dreams followed these events."[6] Drugs of this genre are called Oneirogens; It means "To generate dreams";, or "dream generating";[10] The studies go on to state that; "These extracts increased the superficial stages of sleep, the number of spontaneous awakenings, and the recollection of having experienced vivid dreams" On that note, I'd like to point out that this reminds me of something that I read in Charley Morleys book, "Dreams Of Awakening" about waking up more during the middle of the night... He said studies show that it increases the odds of becoming lucid, and remembering your dreams..[11] For those of you who don't know, he's a lucid dreaming teacher. I gotta warn against Buddhism though, personally I believe the bible. No other Gods before the Most High.

Related blogs: White Vein Banjar Kratom Review, and a blog titled: Kratom is good for your teeth thanks to ECGC. People who are interested in Kratom are probably also interested in legal THC alternatives, like PET found in Liverwort(Radula extract). Finally, here's a random fact for you: Did you know that THC kills cancer cells? Baobab oil from Africa, LSA Seeds!, Cilantro vs Amalgam illness, and Maca root improves libido

Related Oneirogens(Dream Herbs) Synaptolepis kirkii, an African oneirogen and nootropic., African Dream Herb (Entada rheedii)

Buy Calea zacatechichi (Dream Herb)

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Academic citations:

Proof google scholar is legit from .edu

[1] Burrell, R. C. (1937). Phytochemistry. What it is and how it has developed. Journal of Chemical Education, 14(11), 520.

[2] Prance, Ghillean T. "What is ethnobotany today?." Journal of ethnopharmacology 32.1-3 (1991): 209-216.

[4] Newman, P. D. Alchemically Stoned-The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry: The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry. Lulu. com, 2017.

[5] Bowen, P. D. (2015). The Occult Revival. In A History of Conversion to Islam in the United States, Volume 1 (pp. 51-87). Brill.

[6] Mata, R., Contreras-Rosales, A. J., Gutiérrez-González, J. A., Villaseñor, J. L., & Pérez-Vásquez, A. (2022). Calea ternifolia Kunth, the Mexican “dream herb”, a concise review. Botany, 100(2), 261-274. link here[archived here]

[8] Oriola, Ayodeji Oluwabunmi. "Turmeric–Black Cumin Essential Oils and Their Capacity to Attenuate Free Radicals, Protein Denaturation, and Cancer Proliferation." Molecules 29.15 (2024): 3523.

[12] Faivre, A. (1995). The eternal Hermes: from Greek god to alchemical magus. Red Wheel/Weiser. Chicago

[13] Hart, G. D. (1965). Asclepius, god of medicine. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 92(5), 232.

[14] Limneos, P., Kostroglou, A., Sioutis, S., Markatos, K., Saranteas, T., & Mavrogenis, A. F. (2020). The Asclepian art of medicine and surgery. International Orthopaedics, 44, 2177-2183.

[15] Ferngren, Gary B. "Asclepius, the God of Medicine." (2002): 352-353.

[16] Eidinow, E. (2022). The Ancient Greek Pharmakos Rituals: A Study in Mistrust. Numen, 69(5-6), 489-516.

Encyclopedia References:

[7] Wikipedia contributors. (2024, November 4). Calea ternifolia. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:09, November 9, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Calea_ternifolia&oldid=1255413710

[9] Wikipedia contributors. (2024, November 8). Divination. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:56, November 9, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Divination&oldid=1256214484

Book sources:

[3] Balick, M. J., & Cox, P. A. (2020). Plants, people, and culture: the science of ethnobotany. Garland Science.

[10] Toro, G., & Thomas, B. (2007). Drugs of the dreaming: Oneirogens: Salvia divinorum and other dream-enhancing plants. Simon and Schuster.

[11] Morley, Charlie. Dreams of Awakening : Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep. Australia, Hay House, 2013.

Academic resources:

M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Psychedelic Studies

PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Google Scholar



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