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Cowage(Mucuna pruriens)
[Velvet Bean]

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Legality: Cowage is 100% legal in the USA. It's not one of these "grey area" plants or anything. There's no movement to ban it, nor is anyone in the government concerned about it. Praise God that the government has left this stuff alone, because it is a God-send to many. Praise the Lord for seed bearing herbs.

Summary This is yet another one of my favorite plants of all time. It can be used as an Ayahuasca ingredient as the "spirit molecule" carrying part of the brew. It's most known today in America as a supplement. Pagans prize it as a tool for divination. It contains neurochemicals and even a spiritually significant substance known as "the spirit molecule". It is not illegal, nor is the government after it, for now. It's truly an amazing plant, and one of my favorites of all time. I admire the beauty of it as much as its phytochemistry. The seeds are beautiful, and the flowers and leaves are as well. I use it among other botanicals for their oneirogenic properties, or their ability to stimulate dreams and the memory thereof. It produces nicotine and I know from experience that wearing a nicotine patch before bed stimulates dreams. Shamans were also heavily experienced with nicotine containing plants and understood their pharmacology had an effect on the dreaming mind. I studied shamanism and the occult heavily from 2011-2021 and during that time, I dated a witch for a few years, and took it upon myself to learn as much about botanicals and their effects as possible. I consider myself a master herbalist who knows how to mix things in order to get desired results, and in a way that is unique, and discovered rather than taught. This means I have learned from hands on experience how to blend herbs, rather than using a recipe book. I share some of my secrets with the world, double guessing whether or not I should along the way. I want to point out that if you study the bible enough, you'll learn that it promotes the use of herbs heavily, and that it even depicts Moses as being one who made use of herbs quite frequently. Jewish Mystics also knew about these plants, and I believe God made them for his people, not the enemy.

Annual Or Perennial?: Annual. This means that it doesn't come back every year. The seeds have to be sown again the following year, is another way to put it. It's the only thing about this plant that I don't like. It produces tons of seeds however.

Plant Family: Family: Fabaceae[1]; Genus: Mucuna[1] Specie(s): M. Pruriens[1]; ( Synonyms: Carpopogon pruriens, Dolichos pruriens, Mucuna aterrima, M. atropurpurea, M. cochinchinensis, M. cyanosperma, M. deeringiana, M. esquirolii, M. prurita, M. utilis, Stizolobiumaterrimum, S. deeringianum, S. pruriens, S. pruritum, S. niveum, Negretia pruriens[1] )

Common nicknames(Varieties/Strains): Velvet bean(my favorite); Cowitch(as in cow-ITCH, because the protective layer on the outside of the seed-pods induces itching upon contact with skin), Cowhage in English and Kawaanchin in Hindi[1]. Other common names include: : Buffalo bean, nescafe, podemico, fava-coceira, cabeca-de-frade, bengal bean, mauritius bean, itchy bean, krame, picapica, chiporro, Florida velvet bean, Mauritius velvet bean, Yokohama velvet bean, lacuna bean, Lyon bean[1]

Parts Used: The seeds are used as an herbal remedy for neurological conditions, among many other things. The seed has the following properties and applications: "for vigour, as an emmenagogue, antivenin, nervine, for abortion, for diarrhea, for diabetes, gonorrhea, muscular pain, persistent coughs, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatic disorders, scorpion stings and snakebite, worm infestation, sterility and general debility[5]. Roots: "Root: Used as a blood purifier, diuretic, emmenagogue, for asthma, cholera, dropsy, delirium, elephantiasis, fevers, gout, kidney stones rheumatism, to relieve dysmenorrhea, in catarrh and dropsy"[5] I was excited to find information on the traditional use of the root, because you never hear anything about it online. The seeds are the most commonly sold, and sought after part of the plant. Often times people over-look the roots, or seeds, or leaves of some plants, because they're following the social norm. It is almost always(but not always) the case that all parts of any given plant have some type of use. Leaf: "Used as an aphrodisiac, diuretic, nerve tonic, uterine stimulant, for scorpion stings and in dysentery"[5]

live cowage plant

Occult Warning: I advise in being cautious of where you buy this product from. Avoid buying it from a witchcraft shop, because it will bring a curse upon you. Note that shamanism is witchcraft, so shops that sell "shamanic ethnobotanicals", count. The reason I put this warning here, is because Cowage(Mucuna pruriens) is sometimes used in Ayahuasca mixtures. Its popularity in the United States however, is as a health supplement.

Native Habitat: India; It grows wild in the lower Himalayans, and throughout the entire tropical plains of India[1] It's also in tropical regions of Africa, West Indies, tropical America, the Pacific Islands, and parts of the United States[1].

live cowage mucuna pruriens plant seedling

Fact: "Multiple studies have shown beneficial effects of Mucuna pruriens as aphrodiastic, anti-parkinsonism, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer agents"[2]

Properties/Medicinal Benefits: anti cholestrolemic, antiparkinson, antidiabetic, aphrodisiac, antiinflammatory and antimicrobial[1]. Cowage(Mucuna pruriens) is used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of Parkinson's disease[1] "Parkinson's is associated with the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in specific areas in the brain which is a common age-related neurodegenerative disorder."[1] The high concentrations of l-Dopa make it good for nervous system disorders[1]. The seeds have the following medicinal properties: anabolic, androgenic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antivenom, aphrodisiac, febrifuge, cholesterol lowering, hypoglycemic, immune modulator, antilithiatic, antibacterial, antiparasitic, cough suppressant, blood purifier, carminative, hypotensive, and uterine stimulant properties[1]. anti-parkinsonian, anti-tumor, neuroprotective, antioxidant, anti-diabetic and antimicrobial activities[2] Note that LDOPA and 5-hydroxy tryptophan (5-HT) are MAJOR constituents that have high concentration in the seeds[2].

live mucuna pruriens plant

Useful for: arthritis, anxiety, cancer, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, dysmenorrhea, delirium, gonorrhoea, gout, impotence, muscular pain, parasitic infections, rheumatic disorders, as analgesic and antipyretic, to induce vomiting, to treat snakebite and scorpion stings, sexual debility, sterility ,tuberculosis as a topical[1] Other medicinal applications include: "to treat impotency and to promote fertility, for sexual debility, seminal weakness and spermatorrhea, as an aphrodisiac to increase seminal fluid and manly vigour, emmenagogue, antivenin, nervine, for abortions, diarrhea, diabetes, gonorrhea, muscular pain, persistent coughs, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatic disorders, scorpion stings and snakebite, worm infestation, sterility and general debility."[1] The source goes on to state that: "According to Ayurveda, seeds are astringent, laxative, astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, alexipharmic and tonic. Seeds are found to have antidepressant properties in cases of depressive neurosis when consumed"[1] You learn new things about these remedies the more that you use them, which as it turns out was part of the learning process among traditional cultures. "Traditionally it is used in treating diseases such as arthritis, anxiety, cancer, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, dysmenorrhea, delirium, gonorrhoea, gout, impotency and sexual debility, muscular pain, parasitic infections, Parkinson's disease, rheumatic disorders, as an analgesic and antipyretic, to induce vomiting, to treat snakebite and scorpion stings, sterility ,tuberculosis etc."[5]

Oneirogen: Because Mucuna pruriens contains neurochemicals(chemicals that exist in our brains), it is thought to be an oneirogen(something that stimulates, enhances, or encourages dreams). It was also added to some Ayahuasca mixtures by shamans, thus another indication of its oneirogenic properties. One academic source states that traditional cultures which utilied the plant believed that M. pruriens could cure nightmares[1].

Works well with: Tobacco(because it too contains Nicotine); Kola nut; Passion flower and or Syrian rue, or Banisteriopsis caapi vine ( because of the MAOI harmala and harmaline constituents that these plants produce, they all act as the MAOI to the other constituents found in the cowage leaves ) Cowage is like chaliponga or any other Ayahuasca type plant that contains the actual spirit molecule... and Passion Flower can be used in place of syrian rue and or the banisteriopsis caapi plant. This is essentially a rare ayahuasca recipe that I am sharing. You could think of it like "Native American Ayahuasca"

What is phytochemistry: It's the branch of science that proves that herbal remedies actually work. The facts pertaining to this branch of science are the most mis-interpreted and oppressed academic literature on the planet. Socialist regimes such as the FDA seek to oppress the truth, while policing sellers and bloggers a-like. They seek to intimidate them into down-playing the truth in regards to the very nature of health, wellness, and medicine... There are a few things that the majority of the world does not see, and they are hidden in plain sight. The truth about medicine is one of them.

Phytochemistry is literally the study of the pharmacology of plants. Some of the worlds most effective pharmaceutical drugs are merely pulled out of plants ( extracted, free-based ), rather than created. All of our knowledge of medicine comes from the blueprints of plants, as designed by God. The study of primitive cultures and the plants that they utilized for medicine and ceremony, has helped researchers discover and study these phytochemicals in the laboratory. The findings and conclusions that scientist have discovered while studying the pharmacology of these plants, can only be described as miraculous. It seems that human kinds faith in its own abilities over those of God, is the main reason that these critical discoveries are not taught in school to kids today. We know enough about health, food and medicine, to essentially prevent all disease, and live in full, optimal health. You can not keep the population under 500 million if you teach a fish how to live longer and healthier lives however.(see Georgia Guide Stones)

buy cowage plant

Phytochemicals:Serotonin[5- hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] , l-dopa(dopamine precursor, an amino acid, a potent neurotransmitter), nicotine(oneirogen), bufoteine[x]; alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds[1] It also contains: protein, mucunain, and serotonin[1]. "Mucunain" is an example of how scientist tend to name certain phytochemicals after the scientific name of the plant itself, indicating that it is unique to that specific plant family.. More constituents include: 1-Methyl-3-carboxy-6,7 -dihydroxy-1-,2, 3,-4Tetrahydroisoquinolone, 5-oxyindole-3-alkylamine, Alanine (Amino acid) , Alkylamine, 5-oxyindole-3 Alkylamine, indole-3 Amino acid analysis (Proteid), Arachidic acid, Arginine (Amino acid), Aspartic acid, Behenic acid, Beta carboline, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Carboline, beta, Cis-12,13-epoxyoctadec-trans-9-cis-acid, Cis-12,13-epoxyoctadec-trans-9-enoic acid, Chymotrypsin Inhibitor, Cystine (Amino acid), DOPA- L (Proteid), Fat, Fatty acids, unsaturated, Flavone, 4'-5-6-trihydroxy-3'-7-8-trimethoxy4'-O-beta-d-xylopyranosyl(1-2)-Oalpha-1-rhamnopyranoside) (Flavone), Galactose, D (Carbohydrate), Gallic acid, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Glutathione, Histidine (Amino acid), Iron (Inorganic), Indole-3-alkylamine, Isoleucine, Lecithin (Carbohydrate), Leucine (Amino acid), Leucine, iso, Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid (Lipid), Lysine (Amino acid), Mannose, D (Carbohydrate), Methionine (Amino acid), Mucunadine, Mucunain, Mucunine, Mucuna polysaccharide (Carbohydrate), Mucunapruriens alkaloid P, Mucunapruriens alkaloid Q Mucunapruriens alkaloid R Mucunapruriens alkaloid S, Mucunapruriens alkaloid X (Alkaloid-misc), Myristic acid, Niacin (Inorganic), N,NDimethyltryptamine(in the leaf), N,N-Dimethyltryptaminen-oxide(in the leaf), Nicotine, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Palmitoleic acid (Lipid), Phenyalanine (Amino acid), Phosphorus (Inorganic), Polysaccharide (Carbohydrate), Proline (Amino acid), Protein (Protein), Prurienidine, Prurieninine (Alkaloidmisc), Quinoline, iso: 1-2-3-4-tetrahydro (Isoquinoline Alkaloid), Riboflavin (Inorganic), Saponins (Saponin), Serine (Amino acid), Serotonin, Sitosterol, (beta Sterol), Stearic acid, Stizolamine (Alkaloid), Thiamin (Inorganic), Threonine (Amino acid), Trypsin, Tryptamine, Tyrosine (Amino acid), Valine, Vernolic acid (Lipid).[1] So far I have only found one source that list: "oxitriptan", as another phytochemical found in this plant[8] Oxitriptan is converted into 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT or serotonin).

All of these are documented on academic databases like PubChem and Google Scholar. I link to them at the bottom of every page. [ Note this is not all of them that exist within the plant, and I never claim to cover every one of them. I try to get as many as possible listed though. ]

Five indolic compounds of the most importance produced by Cowage, aka Mucuna pruriens, include: tryptamine & 5-hydroxytryptamine(serotonin), alkaloids like flavonoids, mucunine, mucunadine, prurine and prurienine[2] I will discuss them below, and their pharmacology, as cited by scholars from across the globe. "Some of the naturally occurring flavonoids and their synthetic derivatives have been reported to selectively bind to the central benzodiazepine receptors and to exert anxiolytic and other benzodiazepine like effects in animals."[2] Facts like this really help people to understand what the plant is doing. Anyone who is familiar with benzodiazepine can now take note of how supplements that produce these types of flavonoids interact with their biology. Understanding the pharmacology of herbs and foods can help us to optimize our health on a collective level. If this trends, modern medicine will decline in popularity, and people will lose faith in it, and the entire corrupt system behind it... Time and time again, studies prove to the skeptics that these remedies work. "The Phytochemical screening of Mucuna pruriens confirms the presence of flavonoids and their anti-anxiety effects"[2]

cowage mucuna plant

Tryptamine: Tryptamine is relatively abundant in the gut and feces of humans and rodents.[3][4] "Tryptamines are naturally occurring alkaloids found in a variety of plants and life forms around the world and exist in more than 1500 natural varieties"[7]

5-hydroxytryptamine(SEROTONIN) 5-hydroxytryptamine is literally another name for Serotonin! Serpent medical sit down! You were looking for a serotonin boost, how about a natural source of the straight up substance that you're looking for! Serotonin staves off depression and produces euphoria. It play a role in: memory,fear, stress, digestion, addiction, sexuality, sleep, breathing, body temperature, etc[6].

Flavonoids Usually when we speak of Flavonoids we are talking about fruits, vegetables, and more aromatic or flavorful plants, but they exist in just about any plant. They are phenolic in nature, and have a wide range of pharmacological actions in the human body. https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/dietary-factors/phytochemicals/flavonoids is a great source on the subject.

Mucunine: Mucunine gets its name from the species scientific name, Mucuna pruriens...

Mucunadine: It's very common for phytochemist to give certain phychemicals in a plant a name that's derived from the plants scientific name. So Mucunadine, gets its name from Mucuna pruriens. Anytime you read about a chemical that exist within a plant, you automatically know that it has been studied in the lab. It's the scientist in those labs that name these compounds, so don't let any of the God-haters out there fool you when they claim that: "there's no science behind herbal remedies", because there more certainly IS science behind them..



Quick Investigative Note: I find it collectively backwards that phytochemicals are not included on nutrition labels. The FDA and their stance to police the truth, while herded sheeple into down-playing factual scientific discoveries and facts related to health and wellness, is as diabolical as it is absurd. I'm here to combat their war on truth and health.

Warnings: This plant contains nicotine, and should be avoided by anyone who is pregnant, or plans to become pregnant, or nursing.

indian velvet bean

Image by Wikipedia

Ezekiel 47:12 "And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine."

Preparations: The seed coating can be easily removed using a nutt-cracker. The hull is cracked, and then easily peals off. The seeds are powdered for their medicinal qualities and high l-dopa content. Again, l-dopa is the precursor to dopamine, and is converted by your body into dopamine.

How To Cowage(Mucuna pruriens)

It's very easy. I find that usually the larger the seed, the easier it is to grow.

One last note before you decide to buy or not: I highly suggest growing your own. It's very easy to grow and the seeds are easier to powder than you might think. The shell pops right off using a nutt-cracker. Check out the links below at the bottom of this page and every other page as well, because I reveal wholesale and retailers who stock these produts. Part of what I do with this project is combat socialism, and help support entrepaneurs across the country. Fortune-500 companies are trying to rope off the rest of us, and consolidate their wealth, essentially rendering the rest of us as their financial slaves. Shopping is like voting, so please vote wisely!

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Statements and items have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They are not inteded to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure, any ailments, conditions, diseases, etc. Consult your healthcare provider before use. Statements not to be taken as medical claims. Thanks. See site legal disclaimer for more information.

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Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for nourishment(health; meat; food; wellness; vitality)".

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Page for information only, not a shop, and not marketing a supplement. I'm merely discussing the facts pertaining to the pharmacology of said phytochemicals.

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Buy Cowage(Mucuna pruriens) WHOLESALE

Academic Sources:

[1] Deokar, Gitanjali, Harshada Kakulte, and Sanjay Kshirsagar. "Phytochemistry and pharmacological activity of Mucuna pruriens: A review." Pharmaceutical and Biological Evaluation

[2] Sachan, A., Kumar, S., Singh, H., Shankar, P., Kumar, D., Sachan, A. K., & Dixit, R. K. (2015). Potential Anti-Anxiety Effect of Mucuna pruriens in Experimental Model of Swiss Albino Mice. Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biomedical Reports, 1(1).

[3] Jenkins, Trisha A.; Nguyen, Jason C. D.; Polglaze, Kate E.; Bertrand, Paul P. (2016-01-20). "Influence of Tryptophan and Serotonin on Mood and Cognition with a Possible Role of the Gut-Brain Axis". Nutrients. 8 (1): 56. doi:10.3390/nu8010056. ISSN 2072-6643. PMC 4728667. PMID 26805875.

[4] Bhattarai, Yogesh; Williams, Brianna B.; Battaglioli, Eric J.; Whitaker, Weston R.; Till, Lisa; Grover, Madhusudan; Linden, David R.; Akiba, Yasutada; Kandimalla, Karunya K.; Zachos, Nicholas C.; Kaunitz, Jonathan D. (2018-06-13). "Gut Microbiota-Produced Tryptamine Activates an Epithelial G-Protein-Coupled Receptor to Increase Colonic Secretion".

[5] Verma, S. C., Vashishth, E., Singh, R., Pant, P., & Padhi, M. M. (2014). A review on phytochemistry and pharmacological activity of parts of Mucuna Pruriens used as an ayurvedic medicine. World J Pharm Res, 3(5), 138-158.

[6] https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/serotonin-the-natural-mood-booster

[7] Niamh NicDaéid, Craig McKenzie, Drugs of Abusee, Editor(s): Paul Worsfold, Colin Poole, Alan Townshend, Manuel Mira, Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Third Edition), Academic Press, 2019, Pages 253-258, ISBN 9780081019849, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.14459-2. (https://sciencedirect.com/science/...)

[8] Chinnasamy, Kavitha & Chinnusamy, C.Thangamani. (2014). Amazing bean Mucuna pruriens: A comprehensive review. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 8. 138-143. 10.5897/JMPR2013.5036.

Via: scholar.google.com

Book sources:

Richard Evans Schultes, et al. Plants of the Gods : Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers. Rochester, Vt., Healing Arts Press, 2001.

Encyclopedia references / sources:



Resources / Links:

PubChem The National Library Of Medicine

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