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Note to consumers: The ethnobotanical market is completely rigged now by cheaters. They're all occult, freemasons, neo nazi's, and gangs of wiccans etc.. The biggest OG's in the game have been sabotaged, robbed, and wrongfully destroyed.. From Edens Ethnos, to Bouncing Bear Botanicals, To Dads Green House, to BotanicalSpirit, all destroyed, all once millionaires. I am one that was also targeted, cut off from credit card processing, gangstalked by authorities who "investigated me", and am now an informant for the FBI. They're in the FBI, DEA, IRS, and police, targeting men they hate. They robbed edens ethnos and are selling it in illegitimate shops across the country. They robbed Meridian Botanicals and also are selling his stuff. They cut off people they hate from using Paypal, Payoneer, GoFundMe, even facebook. They came after me too because I worked with all of these guys, including MrBotanicals. The losers have shadow banned real men and OG's of industry, and are now selling their stuff, and pretending to be the OG's they hate. Why do men gang up on other men? Hoes. Stop being a tramp ladies, and select men on their internal value and not their perceived financial value, because the world is rigged guys. Only guy your ethnobotanicals from wholesalers across the planet. I share connections on this site. Don't support cheaters who have stolen the kratom industry from the farmers in Asia and the American entrepaneurs. I watched numberous self made millionaires get sabotaged out of business.
Rundown(Summary): Datura is a deadly plant. It's often mis-marketed as a "psychedelic", yet this is far from the truth. Beware of this trend, and know that socialist(the occult) are rigging industry and selling poison, inclulding proplyene glycol laced poisonous "gummies", and vapes.. They're covertly taking over the industry, so only shop from wholesale providers outside of the country. Anyway, this plant is a dilerant, or a plant or substance that induces states of delirium. It's deadly. It is popular among Witches and occult circles due to its use in divination, and other occult practices. It has applications by modern pharmaceutical companies as well, and if any tree meets the description of that from the book of Genesis with the story of the forbidden fruit, it is this tree. If you eat thereof ye shall surely die. It's very unlikely for someone to survive an experiment with this plant, so be fore-warned. It's not only dangerous, but deadly, and can be utilized by evil people to exert control over you.
This plant produces its most well known phytochemical, scopolamine. This is a drug in Columbia, where it is known as the "devils breath"[8] I wanted to add some real science to this page so let's take a look at some. Here is a source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1533317517715906 [archived here] Academic Citation: Balmus, Ioana-Miruna, and Alin Ciobica. "Main plant extracts’ active properties effective on scopolamine-induced memory loss." American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias® 32.7 (2017): 418-428. So this academic source touches base on how scopolamine erases memory. This is why criminals use it for date rape and to rob people, etc etc. The victim can't recall the events the net day. This substance is deadly, has a history of use for evil, and is 100% legal in the USA. This is just one more example of how the graven image of the five pointed star(the American swastika) does not represent right and wrong, but rather it represents socialist control. It is a covert idol. Anyway, please make use of academic resource made available to the public: scholar.google.com, jstor.org, and sciencedirect.com. These are used by studnets and scholars. Here's a University to confirm: https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/articles/google-scholar
Nicknames: Angel's Trumpet(misleading name; think satanic-angel); Devils Weed; In Columbia the scopolamine drug that's free-based from the tree is referred to as "The Devils Breath". The serpents fruit; Tree Of Death; Delirium tree; Jimson Weed;
Classification: It depends. Some strains are annuals, and others are short-lived perennials; They self-seed very robustly, and generally have no problem re-emerging the next year on their own.
Plant Family: Solanaceae; (The same plant family as Henbane, Atropa Bella Donna, Mandrake, Tobacco, Tomatoes, and Eggplant.
Properties/Medicinal Benefits: Poisonous; Deadly; Dilerant;(Psychoactive poison) It does have some medicinal potential, but very carefully, and only by highly trained professionals. Generally, any idea or practice involving using Datura as medicine, should be heavily avoided. Those reported medicinal qualities include: ulcers, inflammation, wounds, rheumatism, gout, bruises and swellings, sciatica, fever, toothache, asthma, and bronchitis[6]
Mixes well with: Nothing. Do not consume this plant under any circumstance, what-so-ever. HOWEVER! It has been used by various cultures in combination with other plants, including in a recipe called "Majun", which includes: Bhang, Charas, Ganja, opium poppy seeds, (Datura) aka: thornapple seeds and leaves, cloves, olibanum ( frankincense ), aniseed, cumin, cardamon, wheat flower, sugar, butter, milk, and flour and add to ghee ( a form of butter ).[8] The result is a candy that induces states of ecstasy, elation, a sensation of flying ( astral tool? ), stimulated appetite, and intense sexual desire.[8]
Phytochemicals: alkaloids, carbohydrates, cardiac glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, amino acids, and phenolic compounds[6] It also contains the highly toxic tropane alkaloids, including atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscamine; All of these have applications in the modern serpent pharmaceutical industry, and come from deadly plants. These components are often added into eye drops, and even Atropa Bella Donna extracts are used in eye drops often. Drug companies use these plants to isolate pharmacological components from them.[7]
Scopolamine: Let's start off with a good academic source on Scopolamine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554397/[internet archived here] It's a mind control drug, also known as a "dilerant", and by the name of "Devils Breath", in Columbia and Peru, where it is used by organized criminals to drug and take advantage of victims.[8]
Quick note:There are other great links and resources towards the bottom of this page so please don't miss those! I cite only academic and authoritative sources to provide only the most accurate and helpful of information, with an additional original twist!
Warnings: Scopolamine is 100% legal in the United States and freemasons, neo nazi's, and other occult groups that are into alchemy(making drugs from plants, or isolating them from plants and tying in occult knowledge with these practices)[1][3][4][5] have the knowledge to isolate scopolamine. That means that this drug can be floating around within the USA and the law can't do anything about it. Beware, it is deadly, allows evil people to have control over you, and the natural sources that produce it are legal and readily available across the USA.
Natural habitat: Datura trees are native to the: Andes mountains of southern Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, western Bolivia, and northern Chile. Remember, scopolamine isolate is used as a drug there to victimize unsuspecting folks, both men and women.. It's like date-rape times 10, because the victim appears normal, and in control of their faculties, but they are hypnotized servants to the person who dosed them on the drug. It's called "The Devils Breath" in Columbia and Peru.
Traditional Preparations: It has been utilized in various mixtures, by whatever name you choose to call them: potions, elixirs, alchemical preparations, drugs, teas.. Datura has been utilized in "Mumio", a Russian folk medicine recipe, and "Majun", another shamanic mixture. I will link to the old revamped articles that I wrote on those too, soon. This page will be updated, as the others will too.
Related Ethnobotanicals: Henbane, Mandrake, Atropa Bella Donna; A plant called Serpentine wood also produces scopolamine and related constituents, as well as one called: Sorcerer's Tree, and Henbane Bell(Scopolia carniolica) | Here, just check out my blog post on the subject: list of scopolamine producing plants.
OG Observation: Given its connection to the occult and various occult practices, and that it is a deadly poison, that's mostly been used for evil rather than good, I find it self evident that this is one example of the many tree(s) of the knowledge from the book of Genesis in the holy bible.

https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jimsonweed-datura-stramonium Proof the government knows, but doesn't care.
[8] Vice documentary: Worlds Scariest Drug (scopolamine, devils breath) Vice Documentary Here
Great news story on the deadly plant: https://youtu.be/3cIRVsbkQ4M?si=nBe__sdi-xN6vkbr
Erowid.org huge drug database a-z
Academic citations:
[1] Silberer, Herbert. Hidden Symbolism of ALCHEMY and the OCCULT ARTS. Courier Corporation, 1971.
[3] Morrisson, M. (2007). Modern alchemy: Occultism and the emergence of atomic theory. Oxford University Press.
[4] Bauer, A. (2007). Isaac newton's freemasonry: the alchemy of science and mysticism. Simon and Schuster.
[5] Newman, P. D. (2017). Alchemically Stoned-The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry: The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry. Lulu. com.
[6] Sharma, M., Dhaliwal, I., Rana, K., Delta, A. K., & Kaushik, P. (2021). Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of Datura species—A review. Antioxidants, 10(8), 1291.
[7] Burrell, R. C. (1937). Phytochemistry. What it is and how it has developed. Journal of Chemical Education, 14(11), 520.
[8] Ratsch, Christian. Marijuana Medicine: A World Tour of the Healing and Visionary Powers of Cannabis. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts, 2001. Print.
[9] Swerdlow, Joel L. Nature’s Medicine : Plants That Heal. Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, 2000.
Encyclopedia Sources:
[2] Wikipedia contributors. (2023, December 28). Brugmansia arborea. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:37, October 24, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brugmansia_arborea&oldid=1192348151
Other resources:
M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars
PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov