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Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)
lepedium meyenii maca root plant

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens."

Note to consumers: It happened to me, and other self-made millionaires(I was coming up in the world..) It looks like gangs of losery men ( freemasons, occult groups, neo nazi's, wiccan gangs, and satanic temple members ) are all plotting against men they hate and sabotaging their entrepaneurship in various ways. The economy is being rigged, and those individuals who are not in a supremacy cult were all hunted during the planned-demic. I feel so sorry for real women. During the planned-demic, the haters wrongfully destroyed Edens Ethnos, Meridian Botanicals, Bouncing Bear Botanicals, Botanical Spirit, Arena Ethnobotanicals, BotanicalGuides.com(that's me but I've re-grouped), and my friend Shon up in Ohio who was the plant guy for Bouncing Bear.. He ran a shop called "Dads Green House". All of these guys were self made millionaires, and all went out of business or were destroyed in some way during the planned-demic. They're using something called "negative seo attacks" to lower the traffic of skilled men they hate. They targeted us, and I am one of the targeted. They do all of this to impress women.. They're desperate cheaters and are very worried about other men. I only seek to promote wholesalers in foreign countries from this point on, to empower the entrepaneur and consumer. There's too many cheaters in the USA, and that makes it very hard to want to even network with others in this country as networks of cheaters have swept in with their rigged algorithms and other forms of oppression. They're gaslighting the public. They're also selling stolen products they got from Edens Ethnos and Meridian Botanicals among others. They do all of this for bad women, literally.

Rundown(Summary): Maca root has its purpose hidden in plain sight, right in the name... "Mac..". Results from consuming this herbal aphrodisiac come over time. It starts to slowly work as you take it on a daily basis. It literally increases sexual arousal, stamina, potency, and energy levels. It can also be used as a mild mood-booster when you're out of Cannabis or your narctocic meds ( for a short period rather ). It's considered a super-food and has many health giving qualities. It contains complex pharmacological phytochemicals, as do all other herbal remedies, and these are what gives these plants their medicinal qualities. These phytochemicals ARE medicine, and are often free-based (cbd, thc, morphine) and prescribed or sold over-the-counter as medicine. Other times, diabolical scientist alter their chemistry to make them less safe, more additive, and to have louder narcotic effects(ie. making them more addictive and deadly with worse withdrawl symptoms)

Nicknames: Maca;[1] Peruvian ginseng[1] Its Spanish and Quechua names include maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, and ayak willku.

Classification: Annual; Typically grown from seed; Strive for non-gmo seeds from small non-fortune 500 farmers.

Plant Family: Brassicaceae;[1] Genus: Lepidium; Species: meyenii;[1]

Quick note: The serpent on the side of the ambulance seeks to control all of the health industry, and weed out everyone who isn't in their little supremacy cults. The ethnobotanical industry is under attack by freemason and occult groups in the US government(including the satanic temple). I'm here to provide intel, and link the consumer/entrepaneur to the wholesalers across the globe(no longer in the USA because of cheating going on) They're cutting off people that they hate from having credit card processing and electronic services, as this is the start of what the bible predicted about buying and selling being rigged by satan himself. The biggest names in the industry are all out of business due to illegal sabotage by gangs of haters. Losery men gang up on natural born winners that strive to be independent, and not part of a group that cheats and pretends. The local DEA and FBI in Pensacola are guilty of stealing over 400k in kratom from Edens Ethnobotanicals. They used me to get to it, as a trick, and decoy. All skin colors are working together to pull off these big crimes.

Properties/Medicinal Benefits: A 2016 scholarly study found evidence that Maca root improves semen quality in healthy and infertile men.[10] Maca contains a large number of essential amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients including vitamin C, copper, iron, and even calcium.[12] Its list of medicinal qualities / applications include: for treating sexual dysfunction regulation, neuroprotective effects, action in memory enhancement, antidepressant, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory activities, and skin protection[12] The complex phytochemicals that Maca and other remedies produce, give them their pharmacological value, and are the source of all medicine, and knowledge regarding medicine.

Mixes well with: MAOI's like Passion Flower can be used to amplify the effects of other substances, herbs, and even narcotics and psychedelics. It can be used as a sort of Banisteripsis caapi light, or syrian rue light.. in Ayahuasca mixtures, and other botanical infusions. Passion flower is great with psychoactives like Cannabis, Kratom, Khat, etc.

Phytochemicals: The root contains: glucotropaeolin[2], m-methoxyglucotropaeolin[3], benzyl glucosinolates[4], polyphenols[5][6], (1R,3S)-1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCA)[3][4][5][6], and p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate[3][4][5][6]. Alkamides[7][8] are also found in maca root. It also contains something called: macaene[10] The Maca botanical contains several "N-benzylamides", also known as "macamides"[9], which are structurally related to anandamide! Anandamide is the bodies own form of THC, and is also known as the bliss molecule! It's quite the narcotic! This doesn't mean that Maca root will make you feel high however; A phytochemist could have a field day with free-basing naturally occuring drugs however, and these medicines work way better than any modern pharmaceutical, because medicine originates from the earth, and God is the author thereof.

All of these are documented on academic databases like PubChem and Google Scholar. I link to them at the bottom of every page. [ Note this is not all of them that exist within the plant, and I never claim to cover every one of them. I try to get as many as possible listed though. ]

Quick note: You should take breaks with this stuff. It should be used X number of days, and then a break should be taken for X number of days.

Warnings: Maca root will eventually lead to you becoming freakishly horny! Be careful with this stuff! It works so well that you may face temptations, or even hit on someone you ordinarily wouldn't.., due to freakish hornality.

Natural habitat: South America in the high Andes mountains of Peru and Bolivia[1]

Entrepaneurs keep this in mind, because this is where you'll want to look for suppliers to find your wholesale. The socialist seek to disrupt the global peoples economy and rig the system so everyone works for them.

Related Ethnobotanicals: Damiana; Muira puama; muna muna (satureja parvifolia), Potency wood;

OG Observation: A lot of OG entrepaneurs(self-made millionaires) who brought something new and valuable to the table have been strategically whiped out by socialist. They were the kind of men who brought products like Muna Muna to the western world, and now you'd be lucky to find anyone selling it and ethnobotanicals-like it (Satureja parvifolia that is)

Maca root works so well that if you're married you should use great caution. It increases lustful feelings within a person and can even lead one to feeling attracted to members of the opposite sex that you wouldn't ordinarily find attractive. One can argue that it almost "works too good". Expect results, but not on day one. It's best when used a week on, and 4 days off or so., repeat..

Information is for educational and harm reduction purposes only. This sites disclaimer applies to all of the pages herein.

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Academic citations:

[2][3] Piacente, S., Carbone, V., Plaza, A., Zampelli, A., & Pizza, C. (2002). Investigation of the tuber constituents of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 50(20), 5621-5625.

[4] Huang, Yan-Jie, Xing-Rong Peng, and Ming-Hua Qiu. "Progress on the chemical constituents derived from glucosinolates in maca (Lepidium meyenii)." Natural products and bioprospecting 8 (2018): 405-412.

[5] Lee, Yun-Kyung, and Yoon Hyuk Chang. "Microencapsulation of a maca leaf polyphenol extract in mixture of maltodextrin and neutral polysaccharides extracted from maca roots." International journal of biological macromolecules 150 (2020): 546-558.

[6] Uto-Kondo, H., Naito, Y., Ichikawa, M., Nakata, R., Hagiwara, A., & Kotani, K. (2024). Antioxidant activity, total polyphenol, anthocyanin and benzyl-glucosinolate contents in different phenotypes and portion of Japanese Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Heliyon, 10(12).

[7] Zhao, J., Muhammad, I., Dunbar, D. C., Mustafa, J., & Khan, I. A. (2005). New alkamides from maca (Lepidium meyenii). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(3), 690-693.

[8] Korkmaz, Serol. "Antioxidants in maca (Lepidium meyenii) as a supplement in nutrition." Antioxidants in Foods and its Applications (2018): 138-154.

[9] Xia, C., Chen, J., Deng, J. L., Zhu, Y. Q., Li, W. Y., Jie, B., & Chen, T. Y. (2018). Novel macamides from maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) root and their cytotoxicity. Phytochemistry Letters, 25, 65-69.

[10] Lee, MS; Lee, HW; You, S; Ha, KT (October 2016). "The use of maca (Lepidium meyenii) to improve semen quality: A systematic review". Maturitas (Review). 92: 64–69. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.07.013. PMID 27621241.

[12] Peres, N. D. S. L., Bortoluzzi, L. C. P., Marques, L. L. M., Formigoni, M., Fuchs, R. H. B., Droval, A. A., & Cardoso, F. A. R. (2020). Medicinal effects of Peruvian maca (Lepidium meyenii): A review. Food & function, 11(1), 83-92.

Book Citations:

Encyclopedia Sources:


Wikipedia contributors. (2024, September 28). Lepidium meyenii. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:06, October 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lepidium_meyenii&oldid=1248251118

[11] https://www.britannica.com/plant/maca

Other resources:

Botanical.com Maca Root Page

M.A.P.S. Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars

PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Google Scholar


Site launched in March, 2024.