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The Worlds Largest Online Ethnobotanical Encyclopedia...


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Ecclesiasticus 38:4 "The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them."

Ezekiel 47:12 "And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof shall be for medicine."

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I love Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will abide.. in the shadow of the Almighty...
For it is HE who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence, and he alone.

If you've been discriminated against for the religious right to use any type of ethnobotanical visit here: https://civilrights.justice.gov/
Native Americans and others have certain religious rights to use certain ethnobotanicals religiously in ceremonies etc.

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ginkgo biloba cut and sifted leaf

Ginkgo Biloba, good for more than just memory.

There has been insane amounts of scientific(phytochemical) research on Ginkgo biloba, and its pharmacology. It produces hundreds of medicinally active components, all of which have been studied in the lab and are listed on public databases like PubChem(The National Library Of Medicine), and can be found across networks of scholarly databases. I've personally noticed the benefits of this amazing leaf, but must caution folks against using it every single day, unless your condition requires it. To each their own, and for many, this isn't something you'll want to use daily. For others, it's required for them to have their quality of life. For people like me, I just enjoy the memory and neurological benefits of it. I use it in mixtures made for dreams.

Nov 14, 2024
blue weed

Dangers Of Genetically Engineered Cannabis(& Fortune-500 Fake Weed)

Genetically engineered cannabis is a real thing. With the legalization of "hemp" in 2018, we can see a whole new wave of GMO pot popping up across the US. The socialist(the occult[freemasons, satanic temple, neo nazi's, etc] want you to believe that it's "just real weed man", and that Marijuana has always smelled like feet and made people nautious, but this is not true.) I want people everywhere to wise up to the abuse that is gaslighting, and gang-up on the socialist to call them out. Gaslighting is when someone tries to convince you that someonthing you've clearly heard, or saw, or witnessed in someway, isn't the way you witnessed it. It may be as bold as trying to convince you that the sky is orange when you can clearly see that it's blue, and you're looking right at it. THCA flower is NOT JUST WEED. It's not weed at all, it's something different. It's safe to assume that this is the new wave of genetically engineered cannabis. It's engineered to be legal for the supremacist to sell, and because it's not safe like real Marijuana, and only they can sell it, the gov allows it. Only get your Marijuana illegally, and from suppliers that only distribute the real stuff. The is the occult's way of stealing Cannabis from everyone they view as their slave.

Nov 13, 2024

What happened to botanicalspirit.com shop?

Sabotage due to envy and hate. They were discriminated against. They had their credit card processing taken away. Them, Ednes Ethnos, Meridian Botanicals, Bouncing Bear Botanicals, and BotanicalGuides.scom were all targeted by gangs of freemasons, satanic temple members, and neo nazis in the governemnt. I'm an eye witness. I was "investigated" by the FBI and DEA over this(had neo nazis move in across the street, and behind them satanic temple members). They pretended like they had something on me but they didn't. America wins again. I feel very accomplished to have been a part of this war to protect the legality of kratom for the American people. It was really cool. My God did it ever attract some bad luck. It attracted a witch, the dea, fbi, srcso, etc etc, and a whole lot of hate, and gangs of men after my mojo and future. BTW, Botanicalspirit and the rest of us, supported non-fortune-500 entrepaneurs across the globe. People in indiginous regions of the globe that provided the American people and entrepaneurs here with rare medicines from independent sources, maw and paw sources, not big corporate chains. That means the little guys economy was attacked. The ability to start at the bottom and work your way up to something multi-million dollar, is under attack. That's what this planedemic was all about, and covert medical genocide, as well as fortune-500 slavery. In 6 years I built a business from the gound up only to have it taken away by the government illegally(well occult groups actually, masons, satanic temple, and neo nazis.. have their friends in these places like dwolla, payoneer, paypal, etc, and they cut off people they hate) but the government pulled some entrapment and grand theft on me, a bait and steal snare. They stole over 100k in kratom and tried to make it look like I did it with their little bait. The ftc says you can keep mail that's sent to you by mistake so they set me up. The satanic temple, freemasons, and neo nazis here in the nw Florida panahandle were behind it.

Nov 12, 2024
entada rheedii seed

African Dream Herb Seeds (Entada rheedii)

African Dream Herb Seed, or Entada rheedii, has been studied in the lab for its phytochemicals and their pharmacology. It's used in African shamanism, which is witchcraft. Because of this, I strongly advise against buying these seeds, unless you can get them from someone who isn't a shaman that harvested them off their own tree. They are an accursed object. I used to be into occult stuff and can vouche that they really will bring a curse upon you. They're sort of like the "genie in the lamp", from the movie alladin. Interestingly, occult groups are into stuff like this, such as the Satanic Temple and Freemasons. They targeted me and a bunch of other ethnobotanical vendors out of envy and hate during the planned-demic. I expose them all over this site and on my other project as well. Please share the great content on this page with you friends and family! Thanks!

Nov 11, 2024
calea turnifolia

Calea zacatechichi (Dream Herb) a.k.a. "Dream Herb" or "Leaf Of God"(Chontal natives of Oaxaca Mexico)

Calea zacatechichi is used by Chontal natives of Oaxaca Mexico. Other ethnobotanicals utilized there by the culture include LSA containing Ololiuqui seeds(which were of interest to Albert hoffman and other phytochemist and psychedelic researchers.) Anyway, there has been an extreme amount of research done on this species. I've never been able to dig up so many phytochemicals studied in one particular plant as I have this one. It's used as an oneirogen by many, which means it stimulates dreams and the recall thereof. A phytochemist could literally isolate over 100 phytochemicals from this plant, all of which produce a range of pharmacological activities. It's my believe that the occult oppresses the truth about the nature of medicine, and herds the Christian sheep onto their serpent medical abominations, while hiding natural cures, and the facts about the true nature of medicine. All modern medicine is either directly derived from a plant(meaning it's made from an altered chemical that was pulled out of a plant, or it either is directly isolated from the plant itself(it's pulled out of the plant in its raw natural God-made state, like CBD or Caffeine for example.) Calea z proves to be a gold mine of pharmacology, and a very fascinating ethnobotanical. It's one of my favorites. =)

Nov 9, 2024
galanga maraba

Galanga maraba is a psychoactive plant from New Guinea.

Galanga is a rarely known ethnobotanical in the west. It's a psychoactive plant from New Guinea{spell check that}. I learned about it in a book or two that I own. I gotta finish this page, it's under construction. I'll still in the citations and sources. It's basically a revamped, touched up, more professionalized and lengthy version of the botanical guides one. I'm doing better sourcing on it too(parenthetical). Also, I am making it like the other pages, with a basic botanical profile, structured. I'm remembering to make use of the h1 through h6 tags in the html too. I've been doing some SEO as well, and internal link building. I really enjoy doing this. This website is so much more professional than the last. I hope to bring new ideas for entrepaneurs to the mainstream with this project. I want them to catch on and start selling cool new stuff. We can piss off the government together and provide non-fortune 500 services to the people. It'll be cool.

Nov 4, 2024
coca plant

Coca Leaf (Erythroxylaceae coca)

Cocaine is a God-made phytochemical that naturally exist within the Coca plant, scientific name Erythroxylaceae coca. Pharmaceutical companies have lobbied to make it illegal so they can mass produce benzocaine and lidocaine and other products, making sure herbalist don't use the natural source that God intended for them to use instead. The whole reason plant based narcotics are illegal is because of drug companies, and the occult. Chemistry was birthed from the occult, and the word means "hidden, secret", and that's what they do. They keep beneficial truths secret to have psuedo-power over the population. There's nothing wrong with the coca plant at all. The best plants on the planet are all made illegal, or are attempted to have governement regulation put on them so they can control them.

Oct 29, 2024
live cilantro plant

Cilantro Vs Amalgam illness

What is amalgam illness? It's your bodies response to toxins that come from amalgam dental fillings, which contain mercury and other neuro-toxins. I cite academic(scholarly) sources in this article, so these facts are legit and confirmed. I take cilantro often for this very reason, and to keep a healthy pineal gland. It's something that goes good in any type of herbal preparation that's made for dreams, or the mind. I grow cilantro, and want to encourage you to do the same. It's very easy to grow, and you can get bulk quantities of the seeds for cheap. It's good to eat a little bit of it every single day for health reasons. This article is listed under the food section of this website.

Oct 28, 2024
psilocybin molecule

Dictyonema huaorani (A psilocybin containing Lichen)

Dictyonema huaorani is a specific lichen that is a psychedelic! It's extremely rare, and was used a long time ago in ethnobotanical practices by the Waorani or Huaorani peoples, a native Amerindian tribe from the Amazonian forest. Phytochemist have jumped on board and studied its pharmacology. Perhaps some brilliant entrepaneurs out there could start selling its spores, as they are legal. On that note, actual psilocybin spores theirself are also legal(spores are like the seeds). You can buy them at Micro-supply.com Anyway, this is a rarely mentioned natural psychedelic so I am seeking to bring the knowledge to the forefront of western society. I look forward to meeting new entrepaneurs along the way, as more and more of my pages show up at the top of Google, this will help them find me. I want to unite wholesalers in foreign countries, with domestic buyers and entrepaneurs.

Oct 28, 2024
muna muna Satureja parvifolia

Muna Muna (Satureja parvifolia)

I'm still working on this page as we speak btw. but I digress... Muna Muna is something that used to be available for sale in shops like Bouncing Bear Botanical before the socialist bullied, and sabotaged them out of business wrongfully and illegally. It's an herbal aphrodisiac that stimulates libido, is good for your sperm, improves stamina, etc. I hope to help wholesalers in foreign countries move a bunch of it into the United States by advertising for them on here. I want to help American entrepaneurs and consumers ( the non-socialist ones ), bring these products into the market. The occult supremacist hate OG's who bring new products to the market as they want control over everything, especially and particularly drugs, and anything health related. They also wrongfully and politically targeted Edens Ethnos, an entrepaneur and activist that founded the American Kratom Association and helped keep kratom legal.

Oct 26, 2024
datura flowering plant

Datura (Brugmansia a; s.)

Datura is also known by the deceptive name of "Angel Trumpets". If by Angel you mean fallen-angel then this is accurate. It's deadly, and has a history of use by dark occultist. It's also used by big pharmaceutical companies. It contains schopolamine, a mind control drug and dilerant that's 100% legal in the USA sadly. Unfortunately our drug laws are only there to keep people ill, and embolden the sociopath socialist ( freemasons, neo nazi's, satanic temple, etc ). This plant has been used by a medicine throughout history, but very carefully, and any attempt to recreate these medicinal applications will likely result in death. This plant is not only potentially dangerous, it's dangerous PERIOD. It just looks like something you wouldn 't want to mess with. It causes memory loss, actual hallucinations(seeing and hearing things that are not there), and is often mis-marketed as a psychedelic. This is dangerous as it is NOT a psychedelic, rather it is a psychoactive-poison, aka a dilerant.

Oct 24, 2024
maca root lepidium meyenii

Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)

Maca root is an herbal aphrodisiac. That means that it is a herbal remedy for sexual libido, impotence, stamina, etc. There has been studies on its effectiveness and it does work. After the attacks on the American economy during the planned-demic, I highly suggest buying like a business person. Only buy in bulk from foreign sellers for a good price, so that you can support the global economy and international trade. Buy from people who can't accept a credit card because they're being wrongfully done wrong. Note that negative seo attacks are a big thing now that haters use to target online entrepaneurs. They're in occult supremacy groups including freemasonry, and they're in the DEA and FBI. The socialist attacked the world trade center for these reasons. A lot of cheating is going on in the USA so know that if you've been told that kratom or cannabis or whatever your legal business is selling was cut off due to "high risk merchant", know that this is b.s. It's discrimination, they just tell you it has to do with you being a "high risk merchant". I watched many self made millionaires get finished off during the attacks of 2016-2021 and I was one of them that was attacked. I share my story on the blog section but I digress.. It cost zero dollars to buy and sell online, all you need is a TAX ID(that's a sole propriatorship, and you can registry it for free with the IRS via their website.) They'll give you a EIN number ( TAX ID ) and you can buy wholesale and sell legally. If you plan to make millions, expect to be ganged up on by gangs of losery men in occult groups, in the police, fbi, and gov.

Oct 23, 2024
passion flower herb passiflora incarnata

Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)

Passion flower is one of my favorites. I first started to really get a feel for this stuff when I first wasn't able to get weed for a long time back in the day. I noticed it really seemed to take the edge off and was surprised. It also boost the effects of other psychoactives due to its MAOI properties. There has been a lot of scientific phytohemical research on it, and the pharmacology of its active phytochemical components. Don't let the haters at serpent medical fool you, Gods pharmacy is way better than theirs. Get your non-gmo seeds and stash going now while you can, because the end times are here and the serpent will only seek to tighten its grip further and further as time goes on. Grow and stock your herbal medicine now, before its too late. Also take note that the instury has been sabotaged and cheaters are selling stolen goods in shops online and across the country. Freemasons, nazi's, and other occult losers have set up systems for their cheating and supremacy and are in the DEA, FBI, and police running multi-million drug theft and distribution operations. This is what happened to Edens Ethno's, Meridian Botanicals, Bouncing Bear Botanicals, Botanical Guides, and Botanical Spirit, among others. Gangs of freemasons and occult, making it look like it has to do with race when really its them, are running organied crime rings and plotting against the American people.

They illegally raided Edens Ethnos and are selling it in their losery fake shops across the US. These are hater freemasons, neo nazi's, and other occult groups doing this, and the satanic temples. They're pulling a genie in the lamp / alladdin move. They want to be the people they hate and they want the people that they hate to believe that they're them.

https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2018/11/09/la-sheriffs-deputy-two-other-men-arrested-federal-charges-stealing-600 https://www.foxnews.com/us/former-police-officers-sentenced-stealing-thousands-dollars-from-drivers-during-traffic-stops https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/phoenix-police-officers-indicted-jarrett-snowden-antoine-bell-larry/ https://time.com/3069249/philadelphia-narcotics-cops-charged-with-stealing-drugs-money/ https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/former-minneapolis-cop-gets-3-years-for-stealing-drugs-during-traffic-stops/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/detroit-police-officers-charged-stealing-selling-drugs-n338931 https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/drugs/archive/copsgobad.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/08/opinion/police-drugs-warrants.html Huge List Of News Articles To Back This Up

Oct 19, 2024
buy live hawaiian baby woodrose plant

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa)

Hawaiian baby woodrose is a plant that's secretly used by pagans and wiccans a-like in the practices of witchcraft ( divination, necromancy, etc ). The seeds contain LSA (LSD-like phytochemcials), and other ergot constituents (lsd-related chemicals). It's legal YES but only when handled in ways that are legal. It and the other plants like it ( the others that also produce and contain ergot alkloids and lsa/lsh, etc.. ) are all prized by pagan cultures for divination, necromancy, and worship. They are psychedelic in nature, but the seed coating is a dilerant and should be avoided. I was heavily into shamanism and pagan beliefs from 2011-2021 and have learned a tremendous amount from the use of plants like this one about the nature of spiritual forces and how they operate. This plant led me to the bible and out of the occult it steered me. It's one of my favorite plants. The high produced by the seeds to me is better than LSD. I don't do those things anymore but I used to scrape the seed coating off, powder them with a hammer, add powdered ginger and frankincense, and passion flower or syrian rue seeds(powdered). To this day I feel I have a better understanding of how to mix and blend herbs than the average practitioner. I enjoy sharing what I have learned on this website.

August 10, 2024
buy live lemon balm plant

Lemon Balm(Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm(Melissa officinalis) is a really awesome tasting and smelling herb. It looks very similar to mint. It has a very potent lemon taste and aroma. This means that because of the lemon terpenes, it goes great with Cannabis. It can be used to cure Tobacco as well. It's a powerful nootropic due to the phytochemicals that it produces. Nootropics are drugs or substances that are good for the mind, memory, and cognition. God gave us a powerful arsenal of medicine, and food to keep us nourished, and our biology functioning properly. I believe there are spiritual aspects to health as well, and many other cultures believe this, including shamans, and Christians. The bible tells us that God both sends the pestilence, and that he is the one that heals thee.

July 1, 2024
buy wholesale baobab oil africa

Baobab(Adansonia digitata)

Baobab(Adansonia digitata) is a remarkable tree from Africa! This ethnobotanical produces more vitamin C than oranges! All parts of the plant are used as both food and medicine. The bark is used to treat fevers. The leaves repelle bugs. It has a wide range of medicinal properties, and has been widely studied in the lab. Phytochemist have isolated and studied a lot of the phytochemicals that it produes. We know that it has a wide range of pharmaological actions due to the complex natural medicines that it contains and produces. The truth about medicine is that God made it, and that it grows from the earth. It was pagan cults who herded the church away from herbal medicine, and onto pagan abominations(pills, pharmaceuticals, synthetics). I'm here to show the world that the science proves that herbal remedies work. The phytochemical studies on these plants and their pharmacology also proves intelligent design, thus illustrating that our creator is loving, and has provided well for us all.

June 26, 2024
buy cowage mucuna pruriens

Cowage(Mucuna pruriens)

Cowage(Mucuna pruriens), or "cow-itch", produces the same chemicals that your brain does! That's right, it contains neurochemicals! It produces SEROTONIN, l-dopa(the precursor to DOPAMINE!), and even nicotine! It's used in Ayurveda and other holistic systems of healing for neurological conditions that affect the mind. The studies on its effectiveness have demonstrated remarkable abilities. It's also great for people who want a natural alternative to things like nicotine patches and nicorette gum, due to the fact that it contains nicotine. I thank God every day that plants like this one are still legal. Unfortunately, I feel that the enemy has his sights set on all God-made medicine(seed bearing herbs). A time will come when serpent medical(big pharma) has control over all medicines on the planet. We as Gods children must fight against this, encourage everyone to start a end-times garden, and teach people about natural medicines.

June 24, 2024
buy kola nut cola nitida acuminata

Kola nut (Cola nitida; C. acuminata)

Kola nut was the original source of flavor in Coca Cola. It contains caffeine and theobromine, the same as dark chocolate, and green tea. It's said to be more psychoactive than both, and noticeably more euphoric. It's sad that companies like Coca cola used to make a legit, medicinal beverage, but sold out. The OG Cola beverage also contained coca leafs, which are the leaves of the plant that produces cocaine. Today this botanical product is sold across the US in health shops and herb stores. It taste just like Coca cola. If you find this fact interesting, then you'll also find it interesting to learn that Sassafras root bark was used in the OG Rootbeer recipes, and it contains MDA(found in safrole), which is the precusor to MDMA. MDA is psychoactive, and many claim to be psychedelic. Back in the day soda was nothing more than herbal beverages! The world has gotten more and more lame as narcissism continues to rise.

June 19, 2024
buy kratom wholesale

Rizqo Baqi Kratom, Indonesia. Vendor Review

I'm here to back up our Indonesian friends, as they're the ones who provide the entire planet with this product. God provides it really, but you know what I mean. They're sharing it with the whole planet, and I want to see people get safe product. Because of the cheating going on in the US, and the stealing of kratom, and the lacing of product with free-based Mitragynine, I am pushign heavily to promote Kratom sellers in Asia to combat these dangers. When you buy from Asia, you don't have to worry about tainted product, old product, or inferior product, or even buying stolen goods. The sellers I advertise for here, are honest, hard working, and dedicated to providing the world with a safe, natural alternative to diabolical pharmaceuticals, whether the serpent likes it or not. Praise the Lord.

June 15, 2024

Supremacist Seek To Rig Kratom Industry

I'm here to defend the small American entrepaneurs and Indonesians who had their businesses interfered with wrongfully and illegally by supremacist cheaters. Freemasons, neo nazi's, and other supremacist(including racist white supremacist) are setting up warehouses within the USA where they import kratom and then try to get all the other shops to buy from them. They're cheating. They're using their connections in credit card companies and paypal, and other online electronic services, to cut off competitors, and essentially rig the industry in their favor. I'm here to encourage the non-whites to call this out, and encourage everyone to buy only from Indonesia. I promote sellers from Asia all over this website. I import kratom to this day, legally, with no problems, and so can you. I will add the link to this article soon, and am even sharing some of my conversation with a seller from there, to illustrate that my words are true.

June 14, 2024
tobacco seeds

Tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum; rustica;)

Tobacco was viewed as sacred by Native Americans and other shamanic cultures. It was used as a medicine, and often combined with other psychoactive and even psychedelic plants. The ashes of Tobacco were utilized in DMT contaning psychedelic snuffs, made by shamans in the Amazon. They snorted it up their nose to go on a trip. Tobacco can be burned as an incense as well. Growing your own organic product is much safer than buying corporate brand tainted product sold by fortune 500 supremacist.

June 14, 2024
white vein banjar kratom

White Banjar Kratom

If you buy from the supplier promoted in this review, specifically ask them to ship it from Indonesia, and not Colorado. The guy says that the owners of the warehouse in Colorado are Indonesian, but I don't know if he's just saying that to please me. He offered to ship it from Indonesia if I wanted, and I suggest to all of you to only have kratom imported, not purchased domestically. At any rate, the white banjar strain is a mellow and relaxing variety.

June 13, 2024

Frankincense (Boswelia carterii; sacra;)

Frankincense is DNA protective, boost the immune system, increases T-cell count, is good for white blood cells, and reduces stress and anxiety. It has been viewed as sacred by nearly every spiritual path on the planet. It was given to baby Jesus by the three wise men. It was used by Moses, and mixed with Myrrh, Cinnamon, Aloe, and other holy herbs to make a holy anointing oil. It can be used internally. Frankincense is the dried sap of a tree. The tree happens to be endangered. I promote the live plants for sale to combat this.

June 9, 2024
kirkinine molecule wikipedia

Synaptolepis kirkii (An African Oneirogen Root)

Synaptolepis kirkii is the scientific name of an African ethnobotanical whose common name isn't much easier to pronounce. It's commonly referred to as Uvuma-omhlope. The plant produces a fascinating phytochemical called kirkinine, which is a neurotrophic. This means that it has the remarkable ability to display neuroprotective properties in the way or protecting nerve tissue, and even helping to re-grow it! It's truly remarkable how God has made things in nature do miraculous things. It's sad that pagan sheppherds have led the masses and church into a deceptive way of thinking, that everything around them lacks intelligent design, which leads the masses to turn to human beings for deliverance, medicine, and direction. We must turn away from the ways of man, and back to the ways of God.

June 1, 2024

Site being worked on frequently..

I updated the index.html page to now encompass archives. These pages get a little big over time, and because of this I am moving them to indexed pages like 1,2,3,4 etc... All new news and content updates will go here, and eventually they will be moved into numbered archived pages like so. Thanks!

The latest pages on this site are:
Strawyberry leaf,
Raspberry leaf,
and Chamomile.

May 20, 2024

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