Sabotage due to envy and hate. They were discriminated against. They had their credit card processing taken away. Them, Ednes Ethnos, Meridian Botanicals, Bouncing Bear Botanicals, and BotanicalGuides.scom were all targeted by gangs of freemasons, satanic temple members, and neo nazis in the governemnt. I'm an eye witness. I was "investigated" by the FBI and DEA over this(had neo nazis move in across the street, and behind them satanic temple members). They pretended like they had something on me but they didn't. America wins again. I feel very accomplished to have been a part of this war to protect the legality of kratom for the American people. It was really cool. My God did it ever attract some bad luck. It attracted a witch, the dea, fbi, srcso, etc etc, and a whole lot of hate, and gangs of men after my mojo and future. BTW, Botanicalspirit and the rest of us, supported non-fortune-500 entrepaneurs across the globe. People in indiginous regions of the globe that provided the American people and entrepaneurs here with rare medicines from independent sources, maw and paw sources, not big corporate chains. That means the little guys economy was attacked. The ability to start at the bottom and work your way up to something multi-million dollar, is under attack. That's what this planedemic was all about, and covert medical genocide, as well as fortune-500 slavery. In 6 years I built a business from the gound up only to have it taken away by the government illegally(well occult groups actually, masons, satanic temple, and neo nazis.. have their friends in these places like dwolla, payoneer, paypal, etc, and they cut off people they hate) but the government pulled some entrapment and grand theft on me, a bait and steal snare. They stole over 100k in kratom and tried to make it look like I did it with their little bait. The ftc says you can keep mail that's sent to you by mistake so they set me up. The satanic temple, freemasons, and neo nazis here in the nw Florida panahandle were behind it.
Nov 12, 2024