I blow the whistle in this blog on what really happened to Arena ethnobotanicals and these other self made millionaires in the ethnobotanical industry. They were all pioneers, OG's, the originals, and they were discriminated against, and sabotaged out of business. There's never been more illegitimate millionaires out there.. There are simp losers right now selling Edens Ethnobotanicals kratom, and getting rich off of it, but they're not real men, and they're not accomplished, they're cheaters. Freemasory, satanic temple, and neo nazis, have one thing in common, they're all into organized crime, they're the ones who did this to me, Eden, Bouncing Bear, Meridian, Botanical Spirit, and the others(including Shaun up in Ohio who ran Dads Green House(sold live kratom plants, and kratom, and I helped him move trees, he paid me), and they're all occult. They're the socialist, and they're the ones running organized crime plots against American entrepaneurs. They attacked me, and the rest of those guys. I share my full story too, and it is very lengthy, and very detailed. It's a cool story guys.
Dec 5, 2024