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Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)

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Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
kratom plant mitragyna speciosa thai

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens."

Kratom Is Beneficial For Your Teeth And Anti-Cavities

The FDA has been caught lying 100 million times. That's all they do is lie and manipulate and make unlawful claims, as well as tell people about rules they made up that don't exist. Our righteous citizens, police, ems, need to push back socially against all these crooked neo nazi scum in the police departments, IRS, FDA, police, and DEA ( and white supremacist ) [especially in the SRCSO] I don't make "medical claims", I state scientific facts. Be mad all you want socialist. You lost again. Warning: Never buy Kratom from within the USA. I share connetions on this site where you can buy it for as low as $50 a kilo straight from the source in Indonesia, legally. National socialist, freemasons, and other supremacist cults are stealing large quantities, baiting entrepaneurs with it, and selling it on the street, or passing it down to their friends who are selling it in shops that popped up in between 2016 and 2020ish. The SRCSO is Florida is guilty of this. They had friends that worked to sabotage Edens Ethnos and they sent it out this way so they could steal it. Full story is disclosed on a blog I wrote titled: What happened to Edens ethnobotanicals?

Kratom contains a powerful antioxidant called "ECGC" for short, or epigallocatechin gallate if you want to go the long route. [ source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S153204642300062X ] ( found on scholar.google.com and jstor.org [back up academic sources with the save tool on the waybakmahine ) Citation: Taneja, S. B., Callahan, T. J., Paine, M. F., Kane-Gill, S. L., Kilicoglu, H., Joachimiak, M. P., & Boyce, R. D. (2023). Developing a knowledge graph for pharmacokinetic natural product-drug interactions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 140, 104341. I've noticed that sense I started taking Kratom, I quit having tooth problems. I was having cavities every year until I found out about Mitragyna speciosa(kratom). Here's an acacemic source to confirm that ECGC fights the bacteria that is a dental cavity: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8444437/ Citation: Schneider-Rayman M, Steinberg D, Sionov RV, Friedman M, Shalish M. Effect of epigallocatechin gallate on dental biofilm of Streptococcus mutans: An in vitro study. BMC Oral Health. 2021 Sep 15;21(1):447. doi: 10.1186/s12903-021-01798-4. PMID: 34525984; PMCID: PMC8444437.

"We observed that EGCG inhibited in a dose-dependent manner both the planktonic growth and the biofilm formation of S. mutans. Significant reduction of S. mutans biofilm formation, DNA content, and EPS production was observed at 2.2–4.4 mg/ml EGCG. EGCG reduced the expression of gtfB, gtfC and ftf genes involved in EPS production, and the nox and sodA genes involved in the protection against oxidative stress. Moreover, EGCG caused an immediate change in membrane potential."

"EGCG, a natural polyphenol, has a significant inhibitory effect on S. mutans dental biofilm formation and EPS production, and thus might be a potential drug in preventing dental caries."

They spread all kinds of lies and make these bogus psuedo-points, but a little leadership in the right direction can crush all of that. It's absurd to think God is ok with you taking fentanyl becaues a doctor said so, but kratom isn't. They claim that "it's bad because it gets you a buzz" ( fentanyl gets you a buzz ) Don't give me that "it's different because a doctor said so" either. Human beings don't need a doctor or the governments permission to do things the way God intended. God gave man every seed bearing herb that they shall be for medicine and nourishment. Kratom is something a lot of people benefit from taking daily. It's a great alternative to coffee in the morning and much healthier and better for your stomach. National socialist are in police departments herding the other sheep deputies in the wrong direction. If you hear them make false claims then correct them. It's not illegal, it isn't going to be illegal, and it isn't illegal to import. I import kratom to this day. Bite me FDA.

Not evaluated or approved by the FDA. Consult your healthcare provider before use. Scientific facts are not to be taken as medical claims says the FDA. Not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure, any ailments, conditions, dieases etc.

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Academic citations:

Proof google scholar is legit from .edu

Schneider-Rayman M, Steinberg D, Sionov RV, Friedman M, Shalish M. Effect of epigallocatechin gallate on dental biofilm of Streptococcus mutans: An in vitro study. BMC Oral Health. 2021 Sep 15;21(1):447. doi: 10.1186/s12903-021-01798-4. PMID: 34525984; PMCID: PMC8444437.

Edelic Center For Ethnobotanical Services [ Education & Legalization ]

American Kratom Association

Erowid Plants Database


M.A.P.S. ( Ethnobotanical Psychedelic Studies & Legalization )

Mitragyna speciosa. (2018, August 25). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:57, August 28, 2018, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mitragyna_speciosa&oldid=622780405

K: everything you need to know to harness the power of this potent plant. (2015). United States: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Google Scholar


Site launched in March, 2024.