Cannabis Rescheduling In Works
It looks like the law makers are hinting that Cannabis rescheduling is happening soon. I have heard it rumored that this may change the laws regarding Cannabis seeds. Right now, Cannabis seeds are considered legal hemp, according to the DEA. But if it is rescheduled, this may change. I am curious how this may affect seeds. Will it make seeds coming into the US from other countries illegal? Stoners everywhere are urging other stoners to stock up on legit seeds now. This "thca flower" crap is genetically engineered crap, and it is often hemp laced with synthetic thca. It's not real pot like they're telling you, that is GASLIGHTING.
I'm working on a new blog that isn't finished yet, and it is plants that contain lsa / ergot constituents It's a rad blog. Note to self: BIBLIFY!!!!!!!
Here is another new blog: buy grow live kratom plants seeds for sale
I'm helping people get the seeds and start their own live plants business.I am also working on a new and improved Kratom Strain Guide I'm citing academic sources, and it will be the ultimate strain guide online. I strive in going above and beyond with content. Sense money isn't a priority, I am here to provide the best content, and serve God too! Stay away from buying kratom domestically, or from taking diabolical pharmaceuticals and synthetics.
Other new blogs and items added to this website include: Spikenard (Aralia racemosa), and Raspberries