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The Worlds Largest Online Ethnobotanical Encyclopedia...


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Ecclesiasticus 38:4 "The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them."

Ezekiel 47:12 "And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof shall be for medicine."

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I love Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will abide.. in the shadow of the Almighty...
For it is HE who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence, and he alone.

If you've been discriminated against for the religious right to use any type of ethnobotanical visit here: https://civilrights.justice.gov/
Native Americans and others have certain religious rights to use certain ethnobotanicals religiously in ceremonies etc.

Site Archive Navigation:


I have a valuable domain for sale: BotanicalGuides.com Auction if anyone is interested. It was online from 2011 to 2024. It had over 500 pages ranking on the first page of Google The project is a well known name, and people have returned to the site sense its inception. I will update the auction soon, as it ended. It will go up for auction over and over until it sells.

silk tree dmt

Silk Tree(Albizia julibrissin) is being used as a new DMT source.

Albizia julibrissin like many others(most others, yet to find one that doesn't produce DMT), is the latest alternative in the ethnobotanical industry to try to evade government intelligence in terms of natural DMT sources being legally distributed. They're not mentioning that what they're selling contains DMT anymore, but it still does, it's not just Mimosa hostilis. This is important to understand that the government didn't crack down on anything because they're running the illegal drug ops. I can see the socialist have gone after anyone who talks, or provides researchers with new specimens(like Eden). They have robbed Meriain botanical and Edens Ethnos and are selling their stuff. "MN-nice-ethnobotanicals", in MN put out an email not long ago talking about how he was robbed. It's a sketchy market dude.

Jan 4, 2025
news and updates

New Items & Blog Ideas(Upcoming entries!):

I've been going through all the online ethnobotanical shops and digging on the products they sell. It looks like everyone who mentioned controlled substances produced by plants being sold in the US(such as Mimosa hostilis and other DMT producing specimens) was targeted by crime cults(It's primarily freemasons and other occult groups like the satanic temple behind this stuff). When they started going after people selling Mimosa that were talking, everyone just switched to new carries, and Alibizia julibrissin(Silk Tree) is an example. Ethnobotanicals.com sells the seeds of this one. Anyway, the silk tree produces DMT. Source: Salem, Mohamed A., Ahmed Zayed, and Shahira M. Ezzat. "Psychoactive plants and phytochemicals." Phytochemistry, the Military and Health. Elsevier, 2021. 121-150. | So keep this in mind, that Silk tree(Alibizia julibrissin) is one of the latest DMT carriers being sold(mostly in seed form to bypass grey area laws or fears or raid). The plants are readily available for sale as demonstrated by a quick internet search: https://www.google.com/search?q=buy+Albizia+julibrissin

and! I will be adding page expoing both camphor and sassafrass, as well as camphor bush, and other natural sources for safrole, camphor, and MDA, which are precursors used in the illegal MDMA manufacturing operations that the government hasn't raided yet becuase they're so covert. Camphor is not illegal nor do you have to show a valid license to get it, so it can be used in the ilicit manufacturing of MDMA and it's easy to get large quantities of it. I'm here to provide intel! Here's a link to that article: sassafras-safrole-mda-camphor-precursors-to-illegal-mdma-labs.html

Jan 4, 2025
Acacia berlandieri

There's a plant that produces Methamphetamines? What?!

I forgot that I knew about this from a long time ago. There's a strain of Acacia that's been found to produce methamphetamines! It's Acacia berlandieri(Senegalia berlandieri). I'm expanding on Krystle cole's work exposing natural sources for drugs, and really going all out on making these plants known. This is really good intel that I'm providing here. This page is under construction, so if it isn't finished, check back later and press F5 to refresh the page so you can see the updated content. Thanks! Oh yea, and this plant grows in North America. The Native Americans used it

Here's another new page I've added that will be one of those really long lengthy sort of "index pages" I call them. corrupt-ethnobotanical-industry-exposed-occult-crime-rings.html One of the largest drug labs in the world was raided recently, and was an international operation: https://youtu.be/rJSfgf3x9QA

Jan 1, 2025
dmt molecule

Plants That Contain DMT(Dimethyltryptamine)

Please note that this page is under construction, and will be added to. Hit F5 to refresh the page, so if any updates have been made you can view them from your end in whatever browser you're using. Thanks

I'm expanding on Krystle cole's version of this blog post that I link to on various pages within HerbsPedia here. I'm adding more facts, listing even more phytochemical constituents of those plants, and discussing a bit about the medicinal properties that they possess as well, and not just the illegal controll substances(DMT) that they produce. It looks like the socialist are in academic, DEA, FBI, and police, as well as medical, and they're trying to keep everyone quiet about the things I'm blowing the whistle on here. I don't think they want the whole world, esepcially all of the Christian authorities to realize that the ones making all the drugs, are in school, the DEA, the FBI, the police, medical, and tied to the grey area ETHNOBOTANICAL INDUSTRY That's why they went after Me, and John, and Meridian, because we were honest, not hiding anything, and defended America. Bottom line, certain ethnobotanical sellers are left alone, others are bullied. This is how they cheat and run the game, and they steal other entrepaneurs stuff and then sell it, in their fake illegitimate shops. They also bait people with others product so they can slander them and steal it, and make it look like someone else did it. I'm an eye witness for the FBI in Pensacola fl, that's been infiltrated by organied crime cults.

Another plant I will add to the database, a Cactus actually, is Wichuriki(Mammillaria heyderi) It produces Mescaline![1][2] I'm helping the Christians find out about these plants because the occult pissed me off so now I am exposing them hard core.


[1] Bruhn, Jan G., and Catarina Bruhn. "Alkaloids and ethnobotany of Mexican peyote cacti and related species." Economic botany 27.2 (1973): 241-251.

[2] Lalama, Abelardo Pachano. "Category: Sacred Cacti 4th edition Post navigation."

Jan 1, 2024
news and updates

Exposing more natural sources of controlled substances, and their connection to the occult, and the serpent medical agenda.

I'm working on: Cheron pink(Incarvillea sinensis) right now, but taking a break. I may finish it tomorrow. It looks finished, but I want to add a little bit more. I could let it go as it is but decided I'm done for the day with my work, and wanted to briefly add it here to the index. I didn't want to take the time to a regular full on addition to the index so I'm doing it this way because it is quicker and easier. Anyway, I'm off for the day, toodles all. Payce =)

I'll be doing a ton more blogs exposing grey area ethnobotanicals that the freemasons and other occult secret societies use, and seek to control. They're used in witchcraft, illegal drug manufacturing, and more. Some examples include: Cebil(Anadenanthera colubrina)[DMT], Psychotria viridis[DMT], Chaliponga(Diplopterys cabrerana)[DMT], Chilean holly(scopolamine); Epena(Virola theiodora)[DMT], Fevertree[2cb], Iboga[Ibogaine], Mexican Mint Marigold(Tagetes lucida)[LSD precursor], Opium Poppy(Papaver somniferum){opiates, heroin, etc}, Poison Hemlock, Voacanga africana(ibogaine), Yohimbe;(ibogaine precursor), Yopo(Anadenanthera peregrina)[DMT] These are the plants that they are using in illegal drug manufacturing and distribution operations, like some of the ones that Bouncing Bear Botanicals sold. The occult and academics have an interest in DMT, and LSD, and they have an interest in plants. I expose these facts time and time again on this website. I cite academic sources on this subject time and time again. They're the socialist, and they're the ones that are attempting to take over and run the illegal drug trade. They've infiltrated the DEA, FBI, and police departments, as well as the ethnobotanical industry, and have illegitimately established "legal" businesses across the country. They're also cutting off people they hate from having credit card processing and using something to attack online entrepaneurs called a "negative SEO attack".

I'm also taking the time today, to check out all the new ethnbootanical shops that mysteriously popped up selling stolen products they got from Meridian Botanicals and Edens Ethnobotanicals. There's a bunch of alladin losers pretending to be the OG's they hate, and they're called the occult(freemasons, nazis, satanic temple, that sorta thing.) They worship loserfer the beta, as they have made theirselves into his losery likeness. There's a new item on the shelf called Corydalis yanhusuo that's rumoured to be a hallucinogen, and I will be investigating it soon from academic sources.

Dec 31, 2024
LSD glassware lab

Legal products in the ethnobotanical industry used to illegally manufacture LSD and other narcotics

I expose the occult(freemasonry, satanic temple, neo nazi's, and other gangs of wiccan and pagan origins. They're in organized supremacist crime cults that have infiltrated academia, police, FBI, DEA and other government agencies. They're ALL SKIN COLORS working together for a global pharmakeia agenda. This is why the people at the U.N. are all races, and are united, while they devide the rest of us(devide and conquer) They're working to sabotage people they hate from having anything to do with the ethnobotanical industry. They're using large quantities of sleepy grass(stipa robusta), and LSA producing seeds like Morning glories, and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, as well as Ololiuqui, to isolate precursors that are then converted into LSD. They also use camphor crystals, as well as sassasfras, and even high grade cinnamon, to isolate out camphor, then safrole, then mda. The MDA is converted into MDMA. The illegal drug trade is mostly being run by organized crime cults in the occult, that are in the government. I cite academic sources, share my own personal eye witness testimony, and take what other-wise sounds like q-anon nonsense, and turn it into credible authoritaitive facts via the power of backing up what I saw with credible sources and citations.

Dec 31, 2024
alepidea amatymbica oneirogen

Alepidea amatymbica Oneirogen From Africa

Alepidea amatymbica is an African oneirogen, or a substance that is thought to stimulate dreams, their length, vividness, and the intensity thereof. It has been used for a wide range of traditional medicinal applications as well by African cultures. It's been studied in the lab for its pharmacology as well, and its phytochemical components are well understood. The plant does have science to confirm its legitimate medical applications. I do have to warn against the occult use of the plant as well, but please note that the occult uses everything from Ginger root to Chamomile, so anything out there they have some dark twisted satanic application for. I haven't read anything about this plant being toxic yet.

Dec 30, 2024
lucid dreaming oneirogens

Oneirogens: Herbs, Plants, and Other Supplements To Enhance Dreams And Lucidity

An oneirogen is a drug of any kind(plant, powder, pill), that stimulates the vividness, intensity of, and duration of dreams and dream-like states of consciousness.[1][2] There's a great deal of science behind oneirogens, but they don't seem to be a common subject of discussion amongst the majority of Americans. Optimizing your health and spiritual well-being should be a common goal in everyones lives, in my opinion. All religions believe in the significance of dreams as well, including the Christian and Jewish faith. It details in the bible numerous stories of people being tipped off about future events before they happened in a dream. The birth of Jesus is one example of a prophetic dream, and the great flood and Noah's Ark is another example of one. It states in the bible that God gives us dreams and visions, Job 33:14-18 Learn more about Oneirogens in this rad blog-post, and please share with your friends!

Dec 30, 2024
live mimosa hostilis plant

Mimosa hostilis(A DMT Producing Grey Area Ethno)

Mimosa hostilis is a natural producer of DMT, and high levels too. It's not illegal... BUT what's going on is because it is of use to the occult, the satanic temple and freemasons(an occult society), and other occult gangs, are going around with their Christian flying monkeys, and bullying sellers that they hate(people who they think may snitch, or may be a Jew, or may be a "square". The reason why, is that the ethnobotanical industry(a small portion of it anyway), is connected to the illegal drug manufacturing and distribution operations being run across the US, and the planet for that matter. Plants like Mimosa hostilis produce illegal controlled substances, yet the plant material itself is not illegal. Dried plant material of specimens like Mimosa hostilis, is also critical for researchers in the lab to get their hands on, because it is these ethnobotanicals that goes on to help researchers discover new drugs and medicines, and is also utilized by drug companies in the mass production of medicine. Ethnobotany is where the journey towards all modern pharmaceuticals begin.. It all starts with the academic field of study whose interest is in pagan cultures and their idolic use of psychedelic and/or poisonous plants.

Dec 30, 2024
physostigma venenosum calabar bean plant

Calabar bean (Physostigma venenosum)

This is one of many examples of a plant that's a poison, that indigenous cultures viewed as a god. This is yet again another confirmation that my theory about these plants being the fruit of the trees of the knowledge from the book of Genesis is correct. They used this poisonous plant in witch trials, and if the person was determined to be a witch, they were forced to swallow this poison. The pattern is never ending, indigenous cultures repeatedly have been shown to form religious beliefs around poisonous plants, and it is always tied in with occult beliefs and practices. These poisons are the fruit. There's a difference between poison and medicine however, so I don't want people to falsely label everything as a poison, because a lot(most even) are medicine.

Dec 28, 2024
live kratom plant m. speciosa

How To Use Kratom, A Beginners Guide

This I feel is a thorough guide on not only how to use kratom, but also on whats going on in the ethnobotanical industry behind the scenes. A lot of people don't know that the ethnobotanical industry ties in with academia, and is bordered and policed by organized crime(illegal drug manufacturing operations), and the occult, as well as big pharmaceutical companies. To reiterate: Drug companies use a lot of these ethnobotanicals, the occult does as well, and likewise so do illegal drug production operations. It's a sketchy market. It's not all illegitimate however, as ethnobotanicals belong to the study of ethnobotany, which is a real academic field of study that happens to be the foundation for all modern drug discovery and production. Ethnobotany and phytochemistry lead right down the path to big pharma manufacturing my friend. I expose this, and share good quality advise on dosaging, and other related concerns.

Dec 28, 2024

List Of Scopolamine Producing Plants

This is a rad list of scopolamine producing plants that I'm working on, and it evolves as I learn about new ones. I'll have similar list for other phytochemicals as well down the road, as this operation unfolds. I've yet to learn about a single scopolamine producing plant that isn't used by wiccans and the occult, as well as big pharmaceutical companies. I blow the whistle on the true origins of all medicine and drugs on planet earth with this blog post. It seems that poisonous plants specifically, is the origin of modern pharmaceutical drugs. Notice the serpent on the side of the ambulance, and on the medical symbolism.

What I find exciting about blog post like this one, is that I get to help mould the ethnobotanical industry, and the societal knowledge base of commonly known ethnobotanicals. In other words, I get to have a foot in which ethnobotanicals are popular, and which items will likely trend or start to appear in shops. By popularizing an ethnobotanical, you're helping to preserve its legality as well. That's how we were able to keep kratom legal.

Dec 27, 2024
live adders tongue flower erythronium americanum

Adders Tongue(Erythronium americanum)

Adders Tonge or Erythronium americanum, hasn't been studied as much as a lot of the others in the lab, but there has been some scientific literature published on it. It was used by the Native Americans. I found it in a new book on the subject that I purchased just for this website. I will be using it to add a lot of new Native American ethnobotanicals to the database here. My goal is (same as last time, with my last project), to have the worlds largest online ethnobotanical encyclopedia. This version is academic with full of sourcing, and even html page jumps that link directly to those citations.

Dec 26, 2024
live scopolia carniolica plant

Henbane Bells, Scopolia carniolica, Another Scopolamine source.

I love blowing the whistle on diabolical drugs. I'm one that's all for medicines and drugs used properly, but I am also here to expose the evil ones. Scopolia carniolica, is another species that produces scopolamine, a deadly mind control drug used to rape and rob unsuspecting victims in Columbia(mostly). The drug is available anywhere in the world, but those that use it are doing a really good job of hiding it. I'm here to expose it. The drug is 100% legal in the USA and I want Christian and Jewish authorities, as well as all righteous government employees and vigilantees to know about it. Anyone who is good with chemistry can free-base or isolate this scopolamine chemical out of any number of legal plants. All of its natural sources just happen to be used by the occult for things listed in Deuteronomy 18, including necromancy, and divination. Scopolamine also exist in: Henbane, Atropa Bella Donna, Datura, Mandrake, this plant, and Latua pubiflora.

Latua pubiflora AKA: SORCERER'S TREE will be the next scopolamine producing plant that I expose. I want the good guys in government to know these things, because scopamine and the plants that produce it are not recreational drugs, nor medicine, they area deadly poisons, and they are the fruits of the trees of knowledge that God said you would die if you eat. They're poisonous, deadly, and nothing good comes from them, other than they produce air and prove the bible is true. Interesting OG Observation: Plants which tend to produce scopolamine, tropine, and other related constituents, tend to all share a similar look, especially in the flowers. Scopolamine is also produced by Serpentine wood(Rauvolfia serpentina), which interestingly has "serpent" in the name.

Dec 26, 2024
live hbwr plants leaf

How To Grow HBWR(A. nervosa) plants from seeds and cuttings!

Here's a great guide on how to cultivate HBWR (A. nervosa). It's a plant that has many societal implications. It's one of many ethnobotanicals that is guarded and monitored by police, dea, fbi, satanic temple, big pharmaceutical interest, the illegal drug manufacturing and distribution trade, and secret societies(freemasons, neo nazi's, crime cults). This plant, among others, was of significant interest to researchers like Albert Hoffman(the LSD chemist), and was mentioned extensively by him and Schultes(a famous Ethnobotanist). The field of ethnobotany, is directly tied to the discovery of new drugs and medicines, and the ethnobotanical industry, is direct competition to big pharma, and illegal drug manufacturers. Ethnobotanical vendors offer people the God-made version(or used to rather, now they're being taken over by cheating freemasons, and nazis), rather than the synthetic man-made version(lsd, etc). These ethnobotanicals are in direct competition with big pharma, illegal drug manufacturers, and there's a war going on for the control over them, which also involves the occult. I've got stories. I worked with Bouncing Bear Botanicals for many years. It looks like socialist are trying to rig the ethno industry so they can cover up their organized crime operations. I believe they have their own networks run the industry, cut off everyone they view as a square from having processing(and "investigate them"), and then run protection for their own, so they can smoothly run illegal drug manufacturing operations. I believe that's why I was targeted by the DEA and FBI in Pensacola, as the local freemasons and satanic temple were behind the plot. They're stealing kratom, and trying to steal the industry. Only buy your kratom from Indonesia. I will put up links to HBWR suppliers in foreign countries for the sake of the consumer.

Dec 26, 2024
live wild dagga plants

Wild Dagga (Leonotis leonurus)

Wild Dagga(Leonotis leonurus) is more of a medicinal herb than a psychoactive one. It was hyped up and being laced with jwh-018(synthetic cannabinoid) back in the day but that operation has been replaced with a fortune 500 one. Wild Dagga does produce a mildly psychaoctive substance, but it is only worth-while in isolate form. World Seed Supply sells the isolate of it. Dagga has been studied in the lab, and does have quite a range of pharmacological properites. It's worth something for sure, but not much in the way of a recreational drug like the marketers would have you believe.

Dec 24, 2024
news and updates

News And Updates, Notes To self

Here is my latest blog: Are Mushroom Gummies Safe? where I expose the fake "magic mushroom" gummies being sold across the USA that contain two neurotoxins(brain poisons). They're poisoning the masses, and the "thca flower" is also fake pot(poisoned). Only buy your Cannabis seeds from foreign countries, and if you want real Psilocybin spores check out Micro-supply.com and Earths Tounge(where laws apply). Follow all laws, local, state, county, and international.

I will be doing pages on DMT containing plants soon, and other more grey area type of ethnobotanicals. I want to put up an Iboga page and link to GardenShaman.eu for the cause(no affiliation, no profit, not paid) just to help people find where they can purchase Iboga in their country, because they ship it internationally. For certain items like LSA containing seeds, I link to WorldSeedSupply as a courtesy, but I won't do that for everything, just those items(and because I myself won't be selling them). I link to kratom farmers in Asia as a courtsey as well. The rest of the ads are mine, and I have been putting them up on more and more pages, as you may have noticed. They look great, and I will continue to create new and exciting ads to keep things spiced up. I love art, and lately have been fufilling my dream of incorporating my appreciation of babes and botanicals into my entrepaneurship!(Check out my instagram!!!). I love marketing and am good at what I do. I will put up pages for DMT containing plants soon, like Chacruna, Chaliponga, Yopo, Virola(Epena snuff), and others. I love blogging about this stuff.

Dec 23, 2024
live white willow tree salix alba

White Willow Bark (Salix alba)

White Willow is a tree that the Native Americans used as a medicine for a great many ailments. It's also an industrial staple, as it is used in the mass production of aspirin. The natives even used it as a natural Deodorant. There's something for entrepaneurs to keep in mind, as you can use it in your homemade products! Natives also used Willow for: for fevers, gangrene, hemorrhaging, hemmrrhoids, impetigo, infection, sexual depressant, and for tootheache.

Dec 21, 2024
live kratom plant

Kratom as an Aphrodisiac, for Libido

The subject of whether or not Kratom has aphrodisiac properties is complicated, and depends. For some people it can, but heavy users and abusers maybe not. Remember that small doses of the drug are stimulating, while higher doses can be sedating. Sedation isn't something you want when getting ready to please your woman, or man. Small doses are where it's at, and remember that you'll want to select the proper strain for the occasion. I would try them all first. Kratom can be an aphrodisiac in another sense, that it can be a social lubricant much like alcohol, which means that it appears to have empathogenic properties(that is, it promotes social bonding, and friendlyless among people). It's sort of a social drug, so yes it can be used as an aphrodisiac. One scholarly source that I cite took a local survey in Malaysia, and most of the locals agree that it works.

Dec 21, 2024
pink lapacho tree impetiginosa

Pau'darco[Pink Lapacho Tea] (Tabebuia impetiginosa)

This is a medicinal plant that I first became familiar with when I was working as an Affiliate Marketer for Bouncing Bear Botanicals, before they were illegally sabotaged out of business by haters and socialist. It's one of my favorite medicinal plants. The taste isn't that great, but it has certainly always made me feel better when I was done. It's an anti-toxin of sort, being used to detox the body and blood stream from poisons or toxins, and boosting the immune system. It's been used for cold and flu, among other things. The tree produces beautiful pink flowers. It has a bitter blande taste that's sort of like old stale coffee, with no sugar added.

Dec 21, 2024
rx mortar and pestle

List Of Medical Terms And Definitions

This is one of my biggest accomplishments on this website that is currently still in the works. I've wanted to do this for a long time now. It's an A-Z list of medical terms, their definitions, and then a list of corresponding ethnobotanicals that produce said effects. I'm adding academic sources to this page as well. It's very lengthy, and quite the feat to tackle, but I enjoy doing it. It's coming along nicely. I really love the way I use colors as a sort of digital highlighter, for better reading, and to make it more fun to learn, and easier to see key points, terms, definitions, and names. I have included html page jumps so that I can link to this page from anywhere within the site, and have the page jump navigate the user straight to that terms definition on the page. Isn't that rad?

Dec 19, 2024
live centella asiatica plants

Gotu Kola(Centella casiatica)

Gotu Kola is an herbal supplement that's used as a nootropic. It should not be consuemd every single day for long periods of time, but rather used for short burst of enhancement. I have been putting in more effort lately to have more original content on my pages, so I did just that on the Gotu kola page. I share how to take your tea and turn it into a syrup, and how it is a good idea to take that and spike your tinctures with it. That way, you end up with a more more potent end product, and it is in fact more of a full spectrum medicine, because it can absorb more polar and non-polar phytochemical constituents from the dried plant material.

Dec 19, 2024
live potted catnip plants

Catnip (Nepeta cataria)

I'm literally writing a page on Catnip right now. It will be very lengthy as I am adding a ton of original content and tyring to make a habit of that so the pages are not mostly facts and less OG writing. Catnip is not just a narcotic for cats, it can be used to clean the house with ( made into homemade cleaning products. ) Add some catnip, lemon balm, and anise star together to make a tea with, and then evaporate most of the tea so that it is syrupy in constistency. Then, you can take a spray bottle, and add mostly alcohol to it(rubbing alcohol), and then add some of your syrup into the alcohol, then shake it up, and bam! homemade cleaning spray. You can add lemon and lime peel too and make it smell good. The anise star will give it a good smell, and the catnip as well as lemon balm. It will smell lemony and clean well! It's scientifically proven to be anti-bacterial and repelle lots of annoying insects.

Dec 18, 2024
live banisteriopsis caapi vine

Ayahuasca vine(Banisteriopsis caapi)

Ayahuasca vine is a very interesting specimen because it was traditionally mixed with various DMT containing plants to commune with the dead, talk to spirits, predict the future, and other occult practices warned against in Deuteronomy 18. It also has a different side though, being pharmacologically beneficial for preventing and dealing with Parkinsons disease, and other neurodegenerative disorders. It has anti-oxidant properties and can be used very carefully by someone who knows what they're doing to boost the effects of other psychoactive medicines. The harmaline constituent in the plant was almost named telepathine by the phytochemist who first discovered it, due to the plants believed ability to assist in the practice of telepathy, a common occurence reported by users of the Ayahuasca brew.

Dec 18, 2024
actaea racemosa

Black Cohosh(Cimicifuga racemosa)

This particular blog on Black Cohosh has the most original content that I think I've put into a plants page on this website. I believe it is for sure some of my best work. Anyway, the Black Cohosh plant was a prized medicinal plant among the Native Americans. It's mostly used for menstrual related needs and other female issues, but also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties. Some traditional ethnobotanical applications of the herb include: for rheumatoid muscular pain, headache, inflammation and dysmenorrhea. It's commonly known as black cohosh, black bugbane, black snakeroot, rattle-top, or fairy candle. The name "black snakeroot" can be confusing, because there's another plant that's also known as just "snakeroot". I suggest remembering them by more than one slang name to avoid confusion.

Dec 17, 2024
commiphora myrrha

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)

Myrrh is a sap that's harvested from various Commiphora species. It's a natural opioid and has been studied quite a bit in the lab. Tons of medicinal properties have been discovered by scientist, and the findings are thorough. It's used for treating wounds, mouth ulcers, aches, fractures, stomach disorders, microbial infections, and inflammatory diseases. Myrrh produces the following pharmacological properties: antiseptic, astringent, anthelmintic, carminative, emmenagogue, and as an expectorant. It can be burned as an incense, or consumed internally.

Dec 16, 2024
goldenseal hydrastis canadensis

Goldenseal(Hydrastis canadensis)

Goldenseal(Hydrastis canadensis) has been scientifically confirmed for being good for the GI tract, and even ulcers. It produces quite a wide range of pharmacologically active components, which can only be described as miraculous. It's even been studied for its effectiveness against covid-19! I cite academic sources on the page, and you'll really enjoy the facts and discussion you find there on the blog. It produces a lot of phytochemicals of importance, but the two most abundant are thought to be berberine and β-hydrastine.

Dec 16, 2024
news updates

New Blogs Coming Monday

I will be putting out a new blog on monday titled "What happened to Star Botanicals?", which was my old shop. I'll share my story of Government sabotage, and freemason slash occult crime cults in the FBI, DEA, and SRCSO. I'll also put out a blog called "What happened to botanicalguides.com?" I'm also redoing the Hemp page. I want to expose the thca deception. I don't think I'm going to bother with any affiliate programs for the book pages, rather I will use that traffic for my own benefit. I'll leave the book reviews there for free. I want to tackle some common herbs monday as well, taking a break from the Native American ethnobotanicals, to focus on writing about that which I will be stocking in my upcoming shop. Next items include: gotu kola, pau'darco', goldenseal, coltsfoot, white willow bark, and myrrh.

Dec 15, 2024
news updates

Botanical Derived Incense Section Added To Website

I've added a new Botanical Derived Incense section to the website. It will slowly start to appear on all of the pages at the top in the main categories. I have to manually add them. B.D.I. consist of things like Frankincense, Myrrh, Camphor, Copal, Black Spruce Resin, Menthol, Lavender Oil, that sort of thing. Usually they are tree saps, and the like. People don't know about these! They have their own pharmacology as well. These are industrial staples. I've also added a BOOKS SECTION to the website!!

Dec 14, 2024
live prairie smoke plant geum triflorum

Prairie Smoke(Geum triflorum)

Let me start by saying that I love the name Prairie Smoke. It has that really awesome and nostalgic Native American vibe that I enjoy so much. I love their names. Anyway, the Native Americans used this plant for sore throats, severe coughs, canker sores in the mouth, and they applied it topically to wounds.[1] It was made into a salve for rashes, blisters, sores, etc. It was considered generally good for you. It has been studied for its anti-microbial properties. Very little research has been done on this plant however. I hope to see the phytochemist pick it up and take a look.

Dec 13, 2024
live feverfew plant in flower

Feverfew(Tanacetum panthernium)

Feverfew is used on a daily basis in the prevention of migraine headaches. It's a well understood herbal remedy, due to the vast amount of research that's been done on it. Research even shows that it is good in fighting cancer. It produces camphor interestingly. Camphor can be bought by itself. Scientific studies back up its effectiveness. It looks a lot like Chamomile, but can be discerned by its leaf.

Dec 13, 2024
live blazing star plant liatris spicata

Blazing Star(Liatris spicata)

This stuff grows where I live in Navarre Florida, which is in North West Florida. It's native to the Eastern US. The Native Americans used it as a medicine. They used it as a carminative, diuretic, stimulant, sudorific, and an expectorant. They used it for swelling, abdominal pain, and colic/spasms, as well as snake bites, as an analgesic for backache, and limb pains, and for sore throat, and as a natural insect repellent. Studies show that the two main components of the essential oils from this species are 1,8-Cineole, and α-terpineol.

Dec 12, 2024
ephedra distachya ephedrine

Ephedra distachya, an ephedrine producing variety.

Ephedra distachya is active! It also produces ephedrine much like E. sinica! A third strain native to China produces more than E. distachya, and you can learn more about that in this blog post. Ephedra has been used in China for thousands of years as medicine. They use it for fevers, coughs, respiratory ailments, as a central nervous system stimulant, and for other things. Its active chemical component, known as Ephedrine, acts as a powerful stimulant, and is a precursor to methamphetamines. The plant is legal in the United States, and there is a huge difference between a botanical being brewed into tea, and meth. Ephedrine is the active ingredient in over the counter cold medications. This is why botanicals are policed, and often prohibited by corrupt governments.

Dec 12, 2024

Ephedra sinica, and related strains

Ephedra sinica is a specific variety of Ephedra that produces adequate enough ammounts of a phytochemical called ephedrine for it to be worth while. It's native habitat is in China, where it has been used for thousands of years as a recreational drug and medicine. It's a stimulant. It's used for respiratory ailments, as it helps to open up the lungs, and with breathing. Pharmaceutical companies process large quantities of the dried plant material, hints why there's so much sabotage going on in the ethnobotanical industry. The ethnobotanical industry and academia are directly related to one another. A lot of people think it's a bunch of hippies selling drugs, but it is a critical industry because it directly competes with big pharmaceutical companies interest.

Dec 11, 2024

Drug Companies Release Pill Version Of Kratom

This is why they wanted to ban kratom.. For those that don't know, the kratom game is being rigged by cheaters in occult groups like the freemasons, neo nazi's, and satanic temple. They're all losers who pull alladin trickery because they suck and can't accomplish things like the rest of us. They're in these fortune 500 supremacy cults and they cut off people they hate from having credit card processing. I was one of them, as the DEA, FBI, and police are wrongfully bullying shop owners who buy from Indonesia, making false claims that it's illegal when it is not. Anyway, drug companies have made a pharmaceutical version of Kratom and I like to blow the whistle on this. I cite a CNBC article on the subject, that discusses it as well. Again, now we can see their motive. They illegally raided Edens Ethnobotanicals for political reasons, because he founded the American Kratom ASsociation and kept kratom legal. He's a political prisoner.

Dec 11, 2024

New Index page started =)

I just started a new index page, and moved the others down the line. Three became four, two became three, and one became two. Now here's the new page one, also known as index.html I just wanted to explain this to anyone who may be confused when they see the rather empty index page all of the sudden. I've been doing some SEO(Search Engine Optimization). I compressed and resized some images to hopefully get pages that weren't ranking to rank ( they're some of the best pages that I've written for this operation ) I went and touched up some of the original pages that I did when I first put this site online as well, including Damiana, Mullein, and Echinacea. I'm also doing some planning for my new business in 2025. I pray that I will be able to have and keep credit card processing. I won't sell anything that will give them a lie of an "excuse" to discriminated either. I'm stocking seeds, live plants, and common herbals. This operation has been a tremendous amount of fun and I am loving it, very professional.

Dec 11, 2024

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