What happened to Bouncing Bear Botanicals?
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Deuteronomy 18(In my own words): There shall not be found among you, anyone who practices divination, necromancy, a soothsayer, witch, shaman, sorcerer, one who plays with tarot cards, crystal balls, uses charms, cast spells, consumes "entheogens" to "awaken the god within", tries to bend spoons with their mind, etc..
Warning: This means online too. Don't email them, nor have them on your social media friends list either.Don't eat the fruit.
Are "entheogens" the fruit from Genesis? ( My Angelfire blog )
Academic citations:
Proof google scholar is legit from .edu
Book Citations:
Encyclopedia Sources:
Other resources:
M.A.P.S. ( Ethnobotanical Studies By Scholars )
PubChem - pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Site launched in March, 2024.